Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 23 2020
P. 16

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       IOCs call on Brazil to switch

       from PSCs to concessions

                         SEVERAL of the international oil companies   “It gives companies the wrong stimulus. Instead
                         (IOCs) operating in Brazil say the country needs   of maximising efficiency, the aim is to inflate
                         to begin offering concession terms for its pre-  costs to reduce taxation on profit.”
                         salt acreage and abandon the production-shar-  Brazil began awarding PSCs for acreage in
                         ing contracts (PSCs) it is currently using.  the pre-salt region back in 2010. At that time, it
                           One of the companies calling for change is   assigned contracts to the bidders that offered to
                         Royal Dutch Shell, the second-largest producer   share the highest percentage of profit oil – that
                         in Brazil after state-run oil and gas major Petro-  is, the total oil produced minus costs – with the
                         bras. Andre Araujo, the president of the Anglo-  federal government.
                         Dutch major’s Brazilian subsidiary, said that   Castello Branco also criticised the state-
                         the South American state would have to make   owned marketing firm Pré-Sal Petróleo SA
                         changes to draw investors back to its upstream   (PPSA), which represented the federal govern-
                         bidding rounds.                      ment in consortia, for effectively determining
                           “A change in regimes doesn’t necessarily   return on capital. This arrangement, he said, has
                         mean a return of investments. Concession con-  also been a disincentive for investors.
                         tracts also have to be attractive,” he was quoted   Brazilian Energy Minister Bento Albuquer-
                         as saying by Argus Media.            que recently mentioned the possibility of a sim-
                           Brazil’s PSC model has come under criticism   plified contract model. So far, though, he has not
                         before, but large firms such as Petrobras, Shell,   voiced clear support for switching to the con-
                         BP (UK), Total (France) and Chevron (US) have   cession model and dropping PSCs, which have
                         stepped up their calls for moving to a unified   local tax advantages for the government.
                         concession model recently. One of the critics is   The Brazilian government has been con-
                         Roberto Castello Branco, the CEO of Petrobras,   cerned about attracting investors since last
                         who has said that Brazil’s sizeable reserves are no   November, when it held its biggest-ever offshore
                         longer enough to attract investors.  auction. The results were disappointing, as the
                           “The [production-sharing] regime is very   only companies to submit offers were state-run
                         disadvantageous from an economic point of   Petrobras and two government-run Chinese
                         view,” he was quoted by Argus Media as saying.   firms. ™

       Argentina to tender Vaca Muerta block

                         ARGENTINA is reportedly getting ready to   of the block at the start of the year. It ultimately
                         launch a tender for a section of the Vaca Muerta   opted to hold off, though, saying that conditions
                         formation known as Loma Amarilla Norte.  were not favourable.
                           The government of Neuquén, the central   Vaca Muerta is around the size of Belgium
                         Argentine province where much of the forma-  and contains around 308 trillion cubic feet
                         tion is located, has said it is close to finalising   (8.722 trillion cubic metres) of shale gas, accord-
                         details of the tender. Local officials have indi-  ing to the US Energy Information Administra-
                         cated, though, that they will “wait for the right   tion (EIA).
                         moment” to start the bidding process, according   Foreign majors such as Royal Dutch Shell
                         to a report by local business daily El Constructor.  (UK/Netherlands), Total (France), Exxon-
                           Loma Amarilla Norte covers an area of 217   Mobil (US), Chevron (US) and a subsidiary of
                         square km in the north-eastern corner of Vaca   BP (UK) are among the companies seeking to
                         Muerta. It encompasses the northern half of   develop sections of Vaca Muerta, which is one of
                         what was originally a larger block and is located   the largest shale formations in the world.
                         near a number of shale gas fields – including   Recent events have slowed the pace of efforts
                         Rincón de la Aranda and San Roque, operated   to realise the formation’s potential. In April, YPF
                         by Total Austral and Pampa Energía respectively   cut oil production at Loma Campana, its key
                         – that are considered promising.     oil play in Vaca Muerta, because demand had
                           The southern half of Loma Amarilla was ten-  fallen off during the lockdown imposed to try
                         dered and awarded to Argentina’s state-run oil   to curb the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
                         and gas company YPF in 2019.         According to Rio Negro, a local newspaper, the
                           The Neuquén provincial government said it   company closed down half of its producing wells
                         was planning to make a sale of the northern half   at the field. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   11•June•2020
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