Page 13 - MEOG Week 42 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              this time around.                    OIL
                                             Gorran was formed in 2009 by a group
       The fate of Kurdish parties         of dominant PUK figures who disapproved   Saudi believes OPEC+ can’t
                                           of the party’s policies. The new party,
       after Iraq’s election               which started off as the first real opposition   decrease natural gas prices
                                           movement in the Kurdish political process,
       Preliminary results from Iraq’s elections have   soon outgrew the PUK in the 2013 Kurdistan    Saudi Arabia said any extra oil from the
       riled up the country, with several parties   Region elections and became part of the   OPEC+ cartel would do little to bring down
       rejecting them altogether.          government.                          surging natural gas prices.
         At the same time, the vote has changed   Gorran then re-joined forces with the PUK   “We see our role as extremely limited,”
       the political reality in Iraq’s autonomous   and formed the Kurdistan Coalition to contest   Saudi Energy Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin
       Kurdistan Region, giving more power to some   the 2021 Iraqi elections, hoping to increase   Salman said during the CERAWeek India
       parties while humiliating others.   their influence and gain more votes with a   Energy Forum on Wednesday. “The issue is
         The election saw a record low turnout, with   slogan of “We are stronger together”. But the   not the availability of crude oil. Even if we
       many boycotting the vote due to scepticism   PUK failed to keep all of its 18 seats, while   made it available in tons and tons, who’s going
       about the system and widespread disapproval   Gorran lost all of theirs.  to burn it? Who is in need of it? And are they
       of the parties who have ruled the country for   For many people, Gorran’s disastrous   in need of crude or in need, for example, of
       years. On average, however, more Kurdish   defeat in the 2021 elections was a sign that   gas?”
       voters showed up to the polls than in other   their supporters did not approve of the   Gas and coal futures have soared to record
       Iraqi provinces.                    party’s decision to rejoin forces with a party   highs in recent weeks amid shortages of the
         The official preliminary results from   they once split from. It also appeared to be   fuels across much of Europe and Asia. Oil has
       the Iraqi Independent High Electoral   a rejection of Gorran’s involvement in the   also risen as some power producers switch to
       Commission (IHEC) late on Saturday showed   government.                  crude, but it’s been less volatile, thanks in part
       that the Kurdistan Region’s ruling party   Following the defeat, the party offered   to OPEC+ committing to steady production
       maintained a larger vote share in Iraq than it   an apology to its followers, claiming   increases.
       did in the previous 2018 election.  responsibility and promising to reform   Prince Abdulaziz said oil demand may
         The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)   itself. Three days after the elections, Gorran’s   rise by 500,000-600,000 bpd if the northern
       has preliminarily pocketed 33 seats, an   governing body announced that all its   hemisphere’s winter is colder than normal.
       increase from the 25 they earned in the   members were to resign and the party’s   That’s roughly 0.5% of global consumption.
       controversial 2018 elections. The party was   leadership would be run by an interim group   Any further boost to demand may be
       already celebrating victory for six days when   until further notice.    limited because many gas-fired generators
       the official preliminary results came out, with   The New Generation party led by   cannot switch easily to oil, which is also a far
       crowds flooding the streets celebrating with   businessman Shaswar Abdulwahid was among  dirtier fuel.
       fireworks, and, at times, celebratory gunfire.  the dark horses of the election.  The Organization of Petroleum Exporting
         The results came as a shock for other   The party surprised everyone when   Countries and its allies – a 23-nation group
       parties. While the Patriotic Union of   they emerged from the elections with nine   led by Saudi Arabia and Russia – have pledged
       Kurdistan (PUK) continued to enjoy influence   seats, winning seats in the PUK and KDP   to raise daily output by 400,000 barrels each
       by winning 16 seats, only two less than   stronghold cities of Kirkuk and Erbil.   month. Some major consumers, including the
       the previous election, their partner in the   New Generation has served as an active   U.S. and Japan, have called on exporters to do
       Kurdistan Coalition hit rock bottom.  opposition party in the Kurdistan Region and   more to lower oil prices, which are up around
         Gorran (Change Movement) faced an   apparently aims to remain so in Iraq.  65% this year to over $80 a barrel.
       electoral humiliation, with the party going   NEW ARAB                   BLOOMBERG
       from five seats in the Iraqi parliament to zero

       Week 42   20•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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