Page 8 - MEOG Week 42 2021
P. 8

MEOG                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Mobilised Iranian workers have

       administration on back foot

        IRAN             IRANIAN workers have the new Raisi govern-  class workers employed in the public sector suf-
                         ment on the back foot with a wide range of social  fered significantly as government spending ran
                         groups mobilising – organising locally, region-  out of steam. Private sector wage workers, such
                         ally, and nationally – to express socioeconomic  as those in the construction sector, have fared
                         grievances, according to an assessment by the  comparatively better as their wages rise with
                         Bourse & Bazaar Foundation, a think tank.   inflation.”
                           President Ebrahim Raisi’s administration was   Faced with discontented workers and limited
                         in the third week of September confronted by  fiscal space, the Raisi administration has, accord-
                         the latest nationwide demonstrations by teach-  ing to Bourse & Bazaar, sought to blame its pre-
                         ers that are part of a bigger protest wave that has  dicament on Rouhani’s recklessness, rather than
                         gripped Iran over the past year.     the deteriorating economic situation.
                           True, Raisi only took office in August, but   “Hardline politicians argue that Rouhani
                         such is the head of steam built up by the vari-  deliberately loaded up on financial commit-
                         ous protest campaigns that the new president, a  ments in his final days in office in order to put a
                         hardliner who has succeeded pragmatist mod-  stick in the spokes of the Raisi government. Par-
                         erate Hassan Rouhani, is being forced to grapple  liament member Ahmad Hossein Falahi recently
                         with the promises made by his predecessor.  complained that ‘unfortunately in the final days
                           In the first few months of the year, pension-  of the Rouhani administration a lot of things got
                         ers mobilised in Tehran and other major cities,  done.
                         while in July, residents of the southern province   This is because the managers of the previous
                         of Khuzestan came out on the streets to demon-  government aimed to impose a number of poli-
                         strate against  severe  water  shortages  amid  cies on the incoming administration, despite the
                         drought conditions. Between June and August,  fact that the Plan and Budget Organization was
                         contract workers across Iran’s oil sector staged  supposed to safeguard this year’s budget. Falahi
                         intermittent strikes and protests. And, Bourse &  added that this has created a dangerous ‘mental-
                         Bazaar said, it seems the protests are unlikely to  ity’ whereby social groups invoke Rouhani’s gen-
                         let up.                              erosity to bargain with the Raisi government.”
                           “But that Iran’s new leadership came to power   While it is true that in his final months in
                         with little regard for the electorate has not dis-  office, Rouhani made a number of concessions
                         suaded protestors from making demands of state  to protesting workers that seemed extraordi-
                         authorities. According to one protest tracker,  narily generous given the state’s emptied coffers,
                         September – Raisi’s first full month in office –  “despite the accusations now being made, it
                         saw one of the highest number of protest events  more likely that an exhausted Rouhani admin-
                         in the past year,” it added.         istration, realising it would soon leave office,
                           The think tank also observed: “The more  relaxed its commitment to austerity, submitting
                         the Rouhani administration intervened to sup-  more easily to bottom-up pressure for increased
                         port the welfare of key constituencies, the more  spending,” the think tank concluded, adding:
                         groups such as teachers and pensioners became  “The Raisi administration is now faced with the
                         emboldened, increasing their demands as the  difficult task of managing the fiscal obligations it
                         deteriorating economic situation eroded their  has inherited.
                         incomes. Protest activity grew despite the grow-  The choice facing Iran’s new president is
                         ing risk of state repression.        whether to prioritise the demands of constituen-
                           “Still, Rouhani’s constituents suffered despite  cies that have shown a capacity for sustained pro-
                         his targeted interventions. Public sector teach-  test, or whether to redirect spending in favour of
                         ers saw their real wages fall by over 40 percent  workers in the judiciary, police, and military who
                         between March 2018 and March 2021. Middle  are among his core constituents.”™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 42   20•October•2021
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