Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 08 2021
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Lukoil makes a second bid

       for a Sangomar stake

       FAR has postponed a shareholder meeting scheduled for February 18 to

       consider the Russian company’s last-minute offer for 100% of its equity

        SENEGAL          AUSTRALIA’S FAR, a minority shareholder in  shareholders were due to convene on February
                         the Sangomar block offshore Senegal, put off a  18 to vote on approval of the Woodside purchase.
       WHAT:             shareholder meeting last week in order to con-  Lukoil, though, said its offer was conditional on
       Lukoil has offered   sider a new takeover bid put forward by Russia’s  the rescheduling of that meeting and on “obtain-
       AUD220mn for 100% of   Lukoil.                         ing minimum acceptances of 50.1% of shares
       equity in FAR, a minority   FAR unveiled Lukoil’s offer on February 18,  and a FAR board recommendation.”
       shareholder in Sangomar.  the day of the scheduled shareholder meeting,   According to the press release, FAR has opted
                         saying in a press release that the Russian firm  to postpone the meeting and has retained Baker
       WHY:              had made a conditional, non-binding offer  McKenzie to advise it on the new offer. “[The
       The bid offers some   to pay AUD220mn ($174.12mn) for 100% of  delay] will enable FAR to clarify the status of
       advantages for the   the Australian's equity. It reacted cautiously  the Lukoil proposal,” it said. “FAR will advise
       Australian company.  to the proposal, but it also noted that Lukoil  the rescheduled date as soon as this has been
                         had described its offer as “a higher value for  determined, noting that the Lukoil proposal has
       WHAT NEXT:        FAR shareholders than both the proposed  only just been received. FAR will provide further
       More changes in the   sale of the RSSD project to Woodside Energy  information to shareholders prior to the share-
       shareholder line-up   (Senegal) [a subsidiary of Australia’s Woodside  holders' meeting being held, and shareholders
       are likely, since RSSD’s   Energy] and the incomplete proposal from  who have already voted will have the opportu-
       operator Woodside   Remus Horizons.”                   nity to change their vote if they wish.”
       Energy has announced   Shareholders in FAR had been due to vote
       plans to reduce its stake.  on February 18 whether to accept an offer for its  Advantages for FAR
                         stake in Sangomar from Woodside, the opera-  The offer from Lukoil, the largest privately
                         tor of the RSSD venture established to execute  owned oil operator in Russia, does have some
                         the project. Last December, Woodside had said  advantages for FAR beyond the fact that it
                         it intended to pre-empt FAR’s sale of the stake  is higher than the bids received from either
                         to ONGC Videsh Vankorneft, a subsidiary of  Woodside or Remus. More specifically, the Rus-
                         India’s ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL). Woodside and  sian company has offered to provide FAR with
                         FAR then signed a sales agreement in January of  “reasonable financing support” that would allow
                         this year but had not yet secured shareholders’  the latter to cover its unmet cash call obligations
                         approval for the deal.               to RSSD.
                           This is not Lukoil’s first bid to join RSSD.   “FAR is in default with respect to its January
                         The Russian company offered $300mn to Cairn  2021 cash call of $19.9mn,” the press release
                         Energy (UK) in the summer of 2020 for a 40%  explained. “FAR is also in default with respect to
                         stake in the joint venture, only to see Woodside  its February 2021 cash call of $24mn. As previ-
                         pre-empt the purchase shortly thereafter.  ously announced by FAR, it has until mid-July
                                                              2021 to remedy defaults or risk losing its interest
                         Other bidders                        in the RSSD project.”
                         The matter was slightly complicated by FAR’s   Additionally, FAR said, “Lukoil has advised
                         receipt of a non-binding takeover offer from  that it has funds [that] are readily available for
                         Remus Horizons, a private investment fund, in  deployment if its offer proceeds.”
                         late 2020. Remus had said it was willing to pay   Lukoil has also played up the fact that it is
                         AUD209.6mn ($165.89mn) for 100% of equity  already familiar with Sangomar after having
                         in FAR, provided that the RSSD stake remained  attempted to buy Cairn out last year. “Lukoil has
                         in the latter company’s portfolio of assets.  stated that it has a deep understanding of the
                           FAR has described the Remus offer  RSSD project, as it had previously completed
                         as “incomplete,” and as noted above, its  due diligence and entered into an agreement

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