Page 5 - FSUOGM Week 08 2021
P. 5

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                         to acquire an interest in the RSSD project from  objections to Lukoil’s new bid to join the San-
                         Cairn Energy [that] was subsequently pre-  gomar project.
                         empted by Woodside,” the press release said.  On the one hand, the Australian company
                           If the takeover bid succeeds, the Russian  said last year that it was pre-empting Lukoil’s
                         company will gain control of a 13.67% stake in  offer to buy Cairn Energy’s stake in RSSD
                         the Sangomar Offshore field and a 15% stake in  because of concerns about US sanctions on Rus-
                         the other two sections of RSSD’s licence area.  sia. The sanctions regime provides for the impo-
                         (ONGC Videsh Vankorneft had agreed to pay  sition of penalties on companies that do business
                         $45mn for this asset, plus reimbursement for  with Lukoil and that invest in deepwater projects
                         FAR’s share of working capital in the project,  with Russian partners.
                         including cash calls.)                 On the other hand, Woodside’s CEO Peter
                           The Sangomar licence area includes three  Coleman indicated last week that Lukoil’s bid
                         separate fields: Rufisque, Sangomar Offshore  for FAR’s stake was less problematic because of
                         and Sangomar Deep Offshore, which give the  the size of the stake involved. “The Lukoil offer
                         RSSD joint venture its name. Oil was discovered  will not trigger the US sanctions, as it is below
                         at the block in 2014, and RSSD has estimated that  the 33% threshold for the sanctions to become
                         it holds 645mn barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in  applicable to the project,” he was quoted as say-
                         recoverable reserves, including 485mn barrels of  ing by Argus Media.
                         crude oil and 160mn boe of natural gas. Produc-  He added: “Lukoil has expressed an interest
                         tion is slated to begin in 2023.     in buying into Sangomar before, and they know
                           The acquisition of FAR would also expand  that having a minority stake does not give them
                         Lukoil’s African portfolio. According to its web-  any influence over the development and opera-
                         site, the Australian company has stakes in nine  tion of the project, whereas had they bought the
                         blocks in four African countries – The Gambia,  Cairn stake they would have had a much larger
                         Guinea-Bissau and Kenya, as well as Senegal.  say in the project.”
                         Five of these are in the Gambian and Senegalese   Meanwhile, there are likely to be more
                         offshore zones, which FAR has described as its  changes in the shareholder line-up later this year.
                         “core West African programme.”       Woodside, which currently owns more than
                                                              two thirds of RSSD, has said it wants to reduce
                         Woodside’s response                  its holdings in the joint venture to 40-50% in
                         It is not yet clear whether Woodside will raise  2021.™

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