Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 08 2021
P. 8

FSUOGM                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Belarus to start Russian fuel

       transhipments in March

        BELARUS          BELARUS will start using Russian ports to   Belarus exported some 1.157mn tonnes
                         deliver its oil products to market in March, with  of gasoline and 1.834mn tonnes of diesel in
       Belarus used to send its   a total of 9.8mn tonnes of supplies expected to  the first nine months of 2020, according to the
       supplies to market via   be exported via these routes by 2023, under an  Belarusian state statistics service. But Belaru-
       Lithuania.        intergovernmental agreement signed on Febru-  sian fuel production was disrupted last year
                         ary 19.                              because of a dispute with Russia over crude oil
                           Belarus has traditionally sent its oil products  and gas supplies. That dispute was resolved after
                         overseas via the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda,  Lukashenko was forced to reach out to Moscow
                         but deliveries were halted in mid-December,  for political support following mass protests
                         two months after Lithuania imposed sanctions  against his re-election.
                         against the Belarusian government. The meas-  Belarus and Russia are still at odds over com-
                         ures were a response to Belarus’ presidential  pensation for the so-called dirty oil crisis of 2019,
                         elections in August, which resulted in President  however, when millions of barrels of Russian oil
                         Alexander Lukashenko winning a landslide vic-  in the Druzhba pipeline system were found to
                         tory but which were widely condemned as nei-  have been contaminated with organic chlorides.
                         ther free nor fair.                  These chemicals caused damage to Belarusian
                           Under its agreement with Moscow, Minsk  refining equipment.
                         will use Russia’s ports on the Baltic Sea, includ-  Russia’s ambassador to Belarus said on Feb-
                         ing Ust-Luga and St Petersburg, to export its fuel  ruary 10 that Russia had fully compensated Bela-
                         oil, gasoline, diesel and gasoil. Total supplies  rus for damages caused by the crisis. But Belarus’
                         are anticipated to reach 3.5mn tonnes in 2021,  state energy firm Belneftekhim responded say-
                         3.2mn tonnes in 2022 and 3.1mn tonnes in 2023.  ing it had not received full compensation yet. No
                           “The agreement was signed for three years,  such payments have been received from Russian
                         but in fact it is unlimited, since it provides for  state oil supplier Rosneft, a company spokes-
                         automatic prolongation,” Russian Transport  man was quoted as saying by the Interfax news
                         Minister Vitaly Saveliev said in a statement.  agency. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   24•February•2021
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