Page 13 - DMEA Week 37 2022
P. 13
Mshelbia also pointed out that by increasing Higher associated gas utilisation rates benefit
yields of LPG, which is a by-product of gas liq- Nigeria by bringing pollution levels down and
uefaction, NLNG was providing support to the monetising resources that were previously left
government’s campaign to promote the utilisa- unused, he was quoted as saying by The Guard-
tion of associated gas as a substitute for flaring. ian.
Natural Gas Distribution Co., TAQA Arabia
plan to co-operate in gas distribution
MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA SAUDI Arabia’s Natural Gas Distribution Co. company. At present, Natural Gas Distribution
said in a recent stock exchange statement that Co. is primarily active in Saudi Arabia and has
it had signed a memorandum of understanding become the country’s second-largest distributor
(MoU) with TAQA Arabia, an Egyptian utility of dry gas. It receives supplies of gas via pipeline
company, on the joint development of natural from Saudi Aramco, the national oil company
gas transportation networks and services. (NOC), and distributes them via local networks
In the statement, Natural Gas Distribution to customers that include 66 factories.
Co. said that the MoU outlined plans for the Natural Gas Distribution Co. said in the
two companies to work together over a period stock exchange statement that the MoU was in
of one year. The parties will have the option of line with its plans for increasing its profits and
extending the term of the agreement beyond the expanding its business. It did not comment on
current end date of September 6, 2023, it said. the projected value of the agreement.
The goal of the partnership is to “[discuss] TAQA Arabia, for its part, is the largest gas
ways of co-operation in entering into a partner- distributor in Egypt. The company maintains
ship to develop and operate gas transportation teams of skilled construction and engineering
services and gas networks,” the statement noted. specialists with experience in carrying out gas
The Saudi company did not reveal any details distribution projects in Egypt and in other coun-
of its plans for cooperation with the Egyptian tries.
Natural Gas Distribution Co. is Saudi Arabia’s second largest distributor of dry gas (Photo: NGDC)
Week 37 15•September•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13