Page 14 - DMEA Week 37 2022
P. 14
Including selections from NewsBase’s partner service
PETROCHEMICALS nitrogenous fertiliser producer, Al Mal newspa- The new plant will also recycle 40 tonnes of
per reported. They are reportedly in discussions used plastics into granules, with at least 70% of
Iran’s IMIDRO to build tyre to purchase between 10-15% of the company this secondary raw material supplied to the plas-
tic processing industry indoors and abroad. The
factory in deprived province in Egypt focused on the production of urea and produce 30 pallets and pallet boxes per hour.
HFC is one of the newer fertiliser producers remaining 30% of the granules will be used to
Iranian industrial conglomerate Iranian Mines ammonia fertilisers. The plant could create up to 500 direct jobs
& Mining Industries Development & Reno- The company is hugely profitable with net for young people in the commune of Oggaz and
vation (IMIDRO) has announced that it is to profits doubling year-on-year to $101.9mn for surrounding areas within the first three months
construct a 27,000 tonne per year (tpy) heavy 2020/2021 financial year. of operation.
tyre manufacturing plant in the economically Its equity ownership is divided between The National Waste Agency (AND) said ear-
deprived Sistan and Baluchistan Province of National Investment Bank (10%); Faisal Islamic lier that the recycling rate of household waste,
southeastern Iran, Tasnim News Agency has Bank (5%); MIDBank (5%); Holding Company including plastic, did not exceed 10% of all waste
reported. for Metallurgical Industries (10%); Nasr Coke collected in 2020.
The annual output capacity will include 9,000 Company (10%); Abu Qir Fertilizers (17%); bna/IntelliNews, September 15 2022
tonnes of off-the-road (OTR) tyres, used by Misr Life Insurance (5%); Misr Insurance (6%);
giant vehicles such as dump trucks and loaders. Social Insurance Fund for Private and Public
The investment required to establish the fac- Sector Employees (15%); Ministry of Agricul- COMPANIES
tory would be IRR30 trillion ($95.5mn at the free ture (10%); Tyson Corp (2%).
market rate), according to IMIDRO. bna/IntelliNews, September 15 2022
The Iranian government has long sought to
raise employment opportunities in Sistan and Algeria to inaugurate publishes South African
Baluchistan Province.
“Big mining companies and mining indus- Oggaz plastics recycling Petroleum Industry Report
tries should direct their investments to less priv-
ileged areas in order to establish prosperity in facility by end 2022 featuring Sasol,
employment and development across different
parts of the country,” IMIDRO’s CEO Amir Ali of September TotalEnergies, Astron,
Taherzadeh was quoted as saying
bne/IntelliNews, September 14 2022 Algeria will inaugurate by the end of September BP, Engen and Shell,
the new plastics recycling plant in Oggaz that
Gulf sovereign wealth funds cost around DZD100mn (EUR 711,000) and is Easigas, and Fuchs
expected to produce nearly 40 tonnes of poly-
express interest in Egypt’s propylene and high-density polyethylene per The “South African Petroleum Industry 2022”
day, according to a report by Afrik 21 published report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.
Helwan Fertilizer Co. on Wednesday, September 14. com’s offering.
This report focuses on the manufacture of
El Kader Plast plant, located in the province
Gulf-based sovereign wealth funds have of Mascara in Oggaz, stretches over an area of petroleum products from crude oil and natural
expressed interest in buying equity stakes in 2,000 square metres. The facility will combat gas in South Africa, and the wholesale and retail
Egypt’s Helwan Fertilizer Co. (HFC), a major plastic pollution. trade of these products.
Information on the manufacture of lubri-
cating oils and greases, primarily from other
organic products, as well as the manufacture of
other petroleum/synthesised products is also
included. There is comprehensive information
on the size and state of the sector, import and
production statistics, the performance of notable
players and relevant developments.
There are profiles of 72 companies, including
major producers, refiners and retailers Sasol,
TotalEnergies, Astron, BP, Engen and Shell, gas
companies such as Easigas and lubricants com-
panies such as Fuchs.
High oil and gas prices, which peaked fol-
lowing the February 2022 outbreak of the war
in Ukraine, have resulted in oil majors report-
ing record profits globally, although there is a
risk that high prices could lead to a decline in
demand. Four of the country’s six refineries have
shut down, mainly in response to growing oper-
ating costs to meet new regulations such as clean
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 37 15•September•2022