Page 16 - DMEA Week 37 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       Uniting energy leaders, global financiers and  Europe and renewable energy deployment.  growth.
       public and private sector executives for four   Attended by Mustafa Madbouly, the Prime   The discussion also follows Eni playing a
       days of networking, AEW 2022 represents the  Minister of Egypt and Tarek El-Molla, Egypt’s  crucial role in expanding Egypt’s hydrocarbons
       perfect platform to sign deals, form partnerships  Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources,  sector in recent years at the back of the discovery
       and kickstart new project developments back by  the meeting explored how increased co-op-  of the Zohr gas field – Egypt’s and Mediterrane-
       AFC funding and knowledge.          eration between Egypt and Eni can enable the  an’s largest gas discovery to date – and various
       African Energy Week, September 12 2022  North African country to boost natural gas pro-  exploration and infrastructure development
                                           duction and LNG exports to Europe.   campaigns.
       Eni, Egyptian officials             and both producing projects and future dis-  Egypt’s gas – secured five new exploration
                                              Leveraging the Damietta liquefaction plant
                                                                                  Recently, Eni – which produces 60% of
       discuss gas, LNG exports            coveries, Eni has committed to helping Egypt  licenses in Egypt’s prolific basins.
                                           expand its oil and gas production and LNG
                                                                                  The Egyptian president and the CEO of Eni
       and renewables expansion            exports to Europe.                   also agreed to scale up collaboration in energy
                                              The meeting comes at a time when Europe is  efficiency and decarbonisation initiatives with
       Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab  seeking alternative energy suppliers to replace its  the Italian firm agreeing to help the country to
       Republic of Egypt and Claudio Descalzi, the  traditional and primary gas supplier, Russia, over  deploy 10 GW of new solar and wind energy
       CEO of Italian major, Eni, met to discuss ways to  the Ukraine crisis; and as Egypt seeks to boost  capacity in the forthcoming years.
       boost Egypt’s natural gas production, exports to  hydrocarbon energy monetisation for economic   Energy Capital & Power, September 9 2022

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2022
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