Page 12 - DMEA Week 37 2022
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He added, according to JoyNews: “If you are special distribution points in the second quarter
selling a kilo of LPG for (GHS)11, how do you of 2022. The project aims at ensuring that house-
expect to grow?” holds that use charcoal and firewood for cook-
The National Petroleum Authority had ing adopt the use of cleaner, safer fuels.
anticipated starting the Cylinder Recircula- Already, a pilot project has taken place in six
tion Module, an LPG marketing model that is regions. Kumi said the policy will never mark-
done by filling cylinders at large refilling plants edly increase the consumption rate if the price
and then supplying filled ones to consumers at of LPG does not go down.
NCDMB says Nigeria should market
its gas to LNG-to-power projects
AFRICA SIMBI Wabote, the executive secretary of the are there and NLNG sees off-takers, they would
Nigerian Content Development and Moni- sell. The business is to sell the LNG that is pro-
toring Board (NCDMB), said at the Gastech duced and not to keep them.”
conference in Milan last week that his country The NCDMB head also noted that NLNG
was keen to explore the possibility of becoming had become a major supplier of LPG to Nige-
a supplier of LNG for LNG-to-power projects. ria’s domestic market, as it produced LPG at its
Thus far, Wabote noted, Nigeria’s sole LNG gas liquefaction plant on Bonny Island. “Today,
producer has not made any particular effort the only thing we off-take from NLNG is LPG,
to target LNG-to-power projects specifically. which is also part of the by-products,” he said.
While the Nigeria LNG (NLNG) consortium “Most of the domestic LPG [supply] is produced
does sell some of its output to operators of natu- by NLNG today. That informs [the consorti-
ral gas-fired thermal power plants (TPPs), these um’s] commitment to the domestic market.”
buyers are not seeking to import their own LNG Wabote was speaking as NLNG’s managing
but rather to access regasified LNG imports, director, Philip Mshelbia, stressed that the group
he explained. NLNG should change its strat- was committed to making more LPG available
egy so that it can make inroads into a hitherto for domestic consumption.
untapped market, he declared. On the sidelines of the same conference, he
“We have not invested enough in utilising said that NLNG was working towards the goal
LNG for power,” he was quoted as saying by The of reserving 100% of its LPG production for
Guardian. “The discussions have always been Nigeria’s domestic market, in line with the gov-
around investing in power plants that use nat- ernment’s efforts to promote the risk of safer and
ural gas, not liquefied natural gas. The potential less polluting fuels for home cooking, heating
for LNG-to-power is huge. If those investments and power generation.
Production Trains 1 and 2 at NLNG, Nigeria’s only producer of LNG (Photo: NLNG)
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 37 15•September•2022