Page 7 - DMEA Week 37 2022
P. 7

DMEA                                     SECURITY & POLICY                                            DMEA

                                                     NNPCL has launched a public campaign to deter theft (Photo: NNPCL)
                         Thieves steal more than 95% of the oil slated for   us. Nigeria will suffer for it. The revenues are
                         export from Bonny, he added. For every 30,000   impacted, so we can only appeal to them to rein
                         bpd of crude sent to terminal, he said, only   in themselves. The oil theft situation is regret-
                         around 1,940 bpd arrive.             table. It’s not going on across the whole of the
                           The 1.25mn-bpd Bonny terminal is not   Niger Delta. There are trunk lines that are more
                         the only facility experiencing such challenges,   impacted on. I think the Bonny trunk line ranks
                         Wunti added. The 400,000-bpd Forcados ter-  highest. Our major challenge as a country is
                         minal, also operated by SPDC, is also affected   our capability to respond and that is as a result
                         by theft and security lapses, but NNPC Ltd is   of several factors – the terrain, as well as some
                         attempting to address outstanding issues and   incapacity that we have,” he commented.
                         hopes to fix current problems within two weeks,   He also suggested that technological
                         he said. In the meantime, though, the Brass ter-  advances might help the country reduce oil theft
                         minal, a 100,000-bpd facility operated by Eni   from pipelines. “I was in the Saudi Arabia infra-
                         (Italy), “is also facing insecurity and vandalism,”   structure twice, and I know what they have. It’s
                         Wunti noted.                         a digital control system. It’s different from our
                           He also noted that theft and related problems   own. [It’s a] digital control system. It’s like you
                         were not confined to the terminals. One of the   have the control system of all your assets in one
                         links operated by SPDC “cannot be operated,   place,” Wunti said. “This is beyond the digital
                         and this has been like this since March 3,” he was   control system. It’s also a security system, and we
                         quoted as saying by Premium Times.   are doing it and to tell you that this was built-in
                           Wunti described oil theft as a problem for the   by our in-house software engineers because of
                         entire country.                      the security sensitivities to it because they are
                           “I will tell you the major thing that affects   customised.” ™

       Iran offers to finish gas pipe to Pakistan

           MIDDLE EAST   MOHAMMED  Ali Hosseini, the Iranian   divulging the details of these discussions.
                         ambassador to Pakistan, said last week that Iran’s   Hosseini went on to say that Iran could serve
                         government was prepared to complete work on   as a key supplier of gas to Pakistan and asserted
                         a natural gas pipeline to neighbouring Pakistan   that there were no sanctions in place that might
                         as part of a wider effort to expand ties in the   hinder shipments. Both Tehran and Islama-
                         energy sector.                       bad recognise the importance of the matter, he
                           “To further strengthen trade co-operation   commented.
                         with Pakistan, completion of energy projects,   Co-operation in the area of gas supplies
                         especially the Pak-Iran gas pipeline, remains   could open the door for expansion of trade in
                         vital,” he told the Associated Press of Pakistan   other areas, he added.
                         (APP) in an interview.                 Iran and Pakistan have set the goal of boost-
                           The project is currently being discussed   ing the value of bilateral trade to $5bn per year,
                         by a technical committee, he stated, without   he noted.

       Week 37   15•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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