Page 14 - EurOil Week 40 2022
P. 14

EurOil                                         INVESTMENT                                              EurOil

       TotalEnergies pledges increased investment

       as it shifts away from Russia

        FRANCE           FRANCE’S TotalEnergies has announced plans  after month,” he said.
                         to ramp up investment globally as it seeks to scale   Ukraine has criticised the dividends as “blood
       TotalEnergies is   down its Russian business, the company’s CEO  money,” and two advisors to Ukrainian President
       pursuing a more   Patrick Pouyanne said last week.     Volodymyr Zelenskiy wrote to TotalEnergies
       gradual wiithdrawal   TotalEnergies retains its interests in the oper-  telling it to reject the dividends or spend the
       from Russia compared   ational Yamal LNG and under-construction  funds on Ukrainian reconstruction, according to
       with some of its   Arctic LNG-2 liquefaction terminals in Russia,  a report by the Wall Street Journal in September.
       counterparts.     even though it has sold off some smaller assets.   For its part, the French government has told
                         The company has not specifically said it would  TotalEnergies to continue receiving gas from
                         sell its remaining operations in the country yet,  Russia for the European market, given the supply
                         in contrast to peers such as Shell and BP, which  crunch that the continent is facing.
                         have said they will pull out of Russia completely.  TotalEnergies is ramping up investments in
                           Speaking to investors on September 28,  floating LNG (FLNG) terminals to help Europe
                         Pouyanne said TotalEnergies had “no future  find alternatives to Russian gas, and has signed
                         with Russia,” while walking them through how  new long-term contracts with Qatar and others
                         the company would prioritise higher payouts to  to secure those alternatives. The company esti-
                         shareholders.                        mates that by 2027 its higher LNG production
                           TotalEnergies will expand its net invest-  will help it replace Russian gas flow. It is targeting
                         ments in oil, gas and renewables over the next  a 40% growth in LNG supply by the end of the
                         three years, while avoiding any further capital  decade.
                         spending in Russia, the oil major said. While   On the back of higher oil and gas prices,
                         the company has committed to phasing out oil  TotalEnergies has pledged to provide its inves-
                         purchases from Russia, it has said it could only  tors with an extra €1 per share special dividend
                         sever its gas supply contracts if Europe were to  in 2022, worth €2.6bn in total, in addition to
                         introduce sanctions requiring it to do so.  regular quarterly payments and a share buyback
                           The company also continues to receive divi-  programme.
                         dends from those Russian assets, but Pouyanne   In addition, its overall capital expenditure
                         indicated that might change soon.    is slated to grow to $14-18bn annually by 2025,
                           “It is not easy to receive cash. The financial  compared with a previous target of $13-16bn.
                         circuits between Russia and the rest of the world  While growing its renewables spending, the
                         are becoming complex for Western companies.  company stresses that new oil supply projects
                         So to be transparent, yes, we have received some-  will continue to be needed into the mid-2030s to
                         thing this year, but I see some complexity month  keep up with global demand. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   06•October•2022
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