Page 9 - EurOil Week 40 2022
P. 9

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                          EurOil

      Germany says three out of four Nord Stream

      pipelines damaged beyond repair

        GERMANY          GERMAN authorities have said that the dam-  submarines or advanced underwater technology
                         age to three of the four Nord Stream pipelines is  must have been involved.
       Sabotage is widely   beyond repair and those sections can never be   There is little doubt that this was an attack and
       considered the cause.  used again, The Tagesspiegel reported on Sep-  not an accident, as there is a significant distance
                         tember 28.                           between the three holes in the three pipelines
                           German security services said that the three  where the leaks originated and these all appeared
                         tubes of the pipeline will be unable to be used  within a few hours of each other.
                         again unless they are repaired quickly, as a lot   So far, pundits have suggested that Russia, the
                         of salt water will run in and corrode the pipe-  US, Ukrainian special forces and Poland could
                         lines, The Tagesspiegel learned from government  have been responsible.
                         circles.                               German Economics Minister Robert Habeck
                           According to the Danish Energy Agency,  (Green Party) warned of the danger of further
                         more than half of the gas has already escaped  acts of sabotage. “Of course, the critical infra-
                         from the affected lines. The lines will probably  structure is a potential target,” said the Vice
                         be empty by October 2, the head of the agency,  Chancellor. “But Germany is a country that
                         Kristoffer Böttzauw, said at a press conference on  knows how to defend itself and Europe is a con-
                         September 28.                        tinent that can protect its energy infrastructure.”
                           The twin Nord Stream 1 & 2 pipelines, which   Norway, currently one of the most important
                         are made up of two pipes each, were hit by an  suppliers of non-Russian gas to Europe, has mas-
                         explosion at the weekend and sprang leaks that  sively strengthened the protection of its pipeline
                         saw pressure in both sets of pipelines fall to  system.
                         nothing.                               The European Union also considers sabotage
                           After Sweden’s seismological services con-  to be the likely cause of the leaks in the Nord
                         firmed there was an explosion in the vicinity of  Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines and has threatened
                         the pipes during the evening of September 25,  to take countermeasures.
                         speculation has been rife over who was respon-  “All available information indicates that these
                         sible for the attack on a major piece of European  leaks are the result of a deliberate act,” said EU
                         energy infrastructure.               foreign policy chief Josep Borrell the same day,
                           The explosions happened just outside Danish  reported Tagesspiegel. Any intentional disrup-
                         territorial waters at a depth of 80-90m, according  tion to Europe’s energy infrastructure will “be
                         to German reports, making an attack a techni-  met with a robust and collective response.”
                         cally difficult operation and suggesting either   As expected, Ukraine was even more explicit:

       Week 40   06•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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