Page 10 - EurOil Week 40 2022
P. 10

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

                         “The large-scale ‘gas leak’ at Nord Stream 1 is  operations.
                         nothing more than a terrorist attack planned by   The leak of so much methane into the atmos-
                         Russia and an act of aggression towards the EU,”  phere will exact a heavy toll on the environment,
                         wrote Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo  as methane is fifty times more damaging than
                         Podoliak on Twitter.                 CO2, say experts. The Danes calculated that the
                           Moscow has blamed the US, pointing to  climate impact of the gas leak corresponds to
                         explicit threats by US President Joe Biden  about a third of Denmark’s total climate impact
                         and others ahead of the war that the US  in one year, but poses no health or other risk to
                         would shut down the pipeline if Russia  the population.
                         invaded Ukraine, irrespective of its Euro-  No gas was flowing through either of the
                         pean partners’ wishes. Russia has called a  pipelines. Nord Stream 2 was never certified
                         UN emergency meeting where it will pres-  and never went into operation; Nord Stream 1
                         ent its evidence.                    has not been working for a month after Russian
                           According to a Russian media report, a US  state-owned gas giant Gazprom shut it down for
                         helicopter that was loitering over that section of  repairs.
                         the pipeline could be involved in the leaks in the   However, the removal of Nord Stream from
                         Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines.   the picture entirely has spooked markets, as it
                           “The  MH-60R  Strike  Hawk  multi-role  destroys the possibility of resuming deliveries
                         helicopter circled over the Baltic Sea for nine  of gas in the depth of winter if an energy crisis
                         hours – from 19:30 Moscow time on Sunday,  becomes acute and raises fresh questions about
                         September 25 to 4:30 Moscow time on Mon-  energy security in Germany and Europe. Gas
                         day, September 26; about 250 kilometres from  prices jumped 20% a day after the attack on the
                         the Danish island of Bornholm, where the gas  pipeline was announced.
                         leak was detected,” wrote the internet newspa-  In  theory  some  gas  deliveries  could  be
                         per on Wednesday, citing data from  restarted via the undamaged Nord Stream 2
                         Flightradar.                         string, but that would need the pipeline to be
                           However, others point out that the helicop-  certified, which experts see to be politically
                         ters are also routinely used in anti-submarine  impossible in the current climate. ™

       Enagas mulls taking stake in Albanian

       gas grid operator

        SPAIN            SPAIN’S Enagas is considering purchasing a  faults in its design. In March 2021, Albania’s gov-
                         stake in the national gas transmission operator  ernment agreed with ExxonMobil and US LNG
       Albania lacks gas   of Albania, which is looking to expand the role  vessel owner Excelerate on potentially building
       infrastructure but wants   of gas in its energy system.  a regasification terminal in Vlora to supply the
       the fuel to play a role in   The two companies signed a cooperation  station, once it undergoes improvements. But
       its energy mix.   agreement on October 4 during talks in Tirana,  they are yet to take a final investment decision
                         Albania’s capital. Under the deal, Enagas “stated  on the project.
                         its interest in analysing the possible acquisition   The country also hosts part of the Trans-Adri-
                         of a stake in the Albanian company and in stud-  atic Pipeline (TAP) that flows gas from Azer-
                         ying joint projects,” AlbGaz said.   baijan to southeast Europe. But its capacity
                           The agreement follows on from a memo-  is already fully booked by customers in Italy,
                         randum of understanding the two companies  Greece and Bulgaria, and so a proposed expan-
                         entered into in June, on potential development  sion would have to go ahead before any supplies
                         of gas infrastructure in Albania. The southeast  become available to Albania. Enagas is one of the
                         European country lacks this infrastructure cur-  shareholders in TAP.
                         rently, but is considering the development of an   Enagas did not say how large an investment
                         LNG terminal and a national network, to reduce  it was considering in Albgaz, nor how great an
                         its overreliance on hydroelectric power, which  equity stake it might take. But its CEO Arturo
                         leaves it vulnerable to energy shortages during  Gonzalo said the cooperation agreement was
                         times of drought.                    evidence of the company’s “long-term com-
                           Albania does already have a 100-MW ther-  mitment … in Europe and, in particular, in the
                         mal power plant in the port of Vlora that can run  Mediterranean region, in line with its strategy of
                         on gas in addition to coal, but it has been left idle  alliances with operators to further the security
                         since its completion in 2009 because of technical  of supply.” ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   06•October•2022
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