Page 13 - EurOil Week 40 2022
P. 13

EurOil                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            EurOil

       Shell makes foray into African power

        AFRICA           SHELL has made its foray into the African   Shell has been acquiring renewable power
                         power generation sector, announcing the pur-  businesses elsewhere in the world over the past
       Shell is a major African   chase of a Nigerian renewable energy provider  year, including India’s Sprng Energy in April for
       oil investor but this is its  on September 28.         $1.55bn and US-based Savion in December last
       first investment in the   Anglo-Dutch major is acquiring Daystar  year. The Daystar purchase appears to be much
       continent’s power.  Power, which works in Nigeria, Ghana and three  smaller in scale, however. The company has an
                         other countries in West Africa, providing solar  installed generation capacity of only 32 MW, ver-
                         power and battery solutions to businesses and  sus 2 GW run by Sprng in India.
                         industry. Its customers include Nigerian Bot-  Daystar has raised some $92mn in funding
                         tling Co., which manufactures Coca-Cola in the  since its formation five years ago, including a
                         country.                             $20mn facility that was provided by Washing-
                           Shell is one of the largest oil producers  ton-based International Finance Corp. (IFC)
                         in Africa, but despite pledging to halve its  last year.
                         greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the end   Though its first acquisition in renewables in
                         of the decade, it is yet to invest in any renew-  Africa, Shell has a long history in Nigeria, hav-
                         ables, or any other power generation, on the  ing first discovered oil in the country in 1956.
                         continent.                           But in recent years it has been beset by environ-
                           “As we do this, we’re helping to address a crit-  mental issues and oil theft at its oil projects in
                         ical energy gap for many who currently rely on  the country.
                         diesel generators for backup power,” Shell’s vice   Last year, Shell announced it would be divest-
                         president for renewable generation, Thomas  ing its troubled onshore operations in Nigeria
                         Brostrom, said in a statement. He said the move  while retaining its offshore assets. But the sales
                         was a “fundamental step for Shell in growing our  process has been complicated in court cases
                         presence in emerging power markets.”  revolving around the company’s responsibility
                           The transaction sum was not disclosed.  for past environmental damage. ™

       Hurricane gives up another UK licence

        UK               HURRICANE Energy has abandoned plans to  any contingent resources.
                         develop a West of Shetland oil prospect previ-  Decisions to withdraw from the Halifax and
       Hurricane has suffered   ously thought to be 1.2bn barrels in size.  the Greater Warwick Area follow a “rigorous
       significant difficulties at   The company decided in September to for-  screening criteria,” Hurricane said.
       several projects.  mally relinquish the P2308 licence contain-  In April, Hurricane and Spirit said that fol-
                         ing Halifax owing to the “low likelihood of a  lowing appraisal and development work, it was
                         successful economic development,” it said in a  determined that the Greater Warwick Area was
                         statement. It follows Hurricane’s decision with  “not feasible”, resulting in the latter booking a
                         partner Spirit Energy to give up their licence for  $4.1mn impairment cost. The pair teamed up at
                         the Greater Warwick Area as well.    the area in 2018, with Hurricane farming out a
                           There is “no reasonable expectation that” the  50% stake to Spirit.
                         company could generate “any near-term cash   Hurricane has also suffered disappointments
                         realisation,” Hurricane said. The company is  at its Lancaster oilfield, also west of the Shetland
                         therefore voluntarily ceding the licence to allow  Islands. The company filed a decommission-
                         it to focus its time and financial resources instead  ing plan for the field in April, just three years
                         on alternative and more attractive opportunities.  after launching production at the problematic
                           Hurricane noted that all previous capi-  project.
                         tal investments relating to Halifax had been   Lancaster only began producing oil in May
                         impaired already, and therefore no further  2019. The complex, fractured basement reser-
                         impairments would be announced.      voir underwent a major reserves downgrade
                           Hurricane suffered a major setback last year  in September 2020, with Hurricane cutting the
                         when a reserves report significantly downgraded  amount of oil targeted in its first development
                         its reserves, triggering a slump in its share price.  phase to just 16mn barrels. Originally it was
                         Halifax was once thought to hold 1.2bn barrels  expected to retrieve 37.3mn barrels over an ini-
                         of oil, but on Hurricane’s books it no longer has  tial six-year period. ™

       Week 40   06•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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