Page 8 - EurOil Week 40 2022
P. 8

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Russian oil exports still booming

       and the EU is still a major buyer

        EU               EXPORTS of Russian oil are still booming  exports averaged 4.8mn bpd in March-Septem-
                         and while the EU has reduced its imports of  ber, up 9% y/y.
       China and India have   crude from Russia it remains a major customer,   The EU is less reliant on Russian crude than
       stepped up as major   according to the latest data from the commodity  Russian refined products and particularly diesel.
       importers this year,   analytics firm Kpler.           EU countries have imported an average of 1.2mn
       however.            While Russian exports of products to all  bpd of seaborne crude during the seven months
                         destinations have moderately decreased since  since the war began. That’s down an average of
                         the war began, the EU has actually increased its  320,100 bpd, or 21%, compared to the same
                         products imports from Russia since March. Over  period in 2021, according to Kpler.
                         the past seven months, Russian seaborne prod-  The average volume of EU crude imports
                         ucts imports accounted for an average of 28% of  from countries other than Russia was 1.3mn
                         total EU product imports – double Russia’s share  bpd higher in March-September versus the same
                         of the EU’s seaborne crude imports during the  months the year before.
                         same period a year earlier.            Europe’s switch from importing short haul
                           EU members continue to import a lot of Rus-  Russian crude with much longer haul oil from
                         sian diesel/gasoil and have made no cuts in vol-  the Middle East and elsewhere, means that
                         ume since the war began. One of the side-effects  tanker demand, measured in tonne-miles, has
                         of the EU stepping up imports of US oil is that it  soared. EU imports of seaborne clean products
                         has increased European demand for Russian die-  from non-Russian sources were up an average
                         sel. US crude is lighter and sweeter than Russia’s  of 193,381 bpd in March-September 2022 versus
                         sour Urals blend, so produces lighter fuels such  March-September 2021.
                         as petrol, but less diesel, which has to be made up   The EU’s average crude imports from Russia
                         with higher diesel imports from Russia.  in September are down 668,926 bpd from Feb-
                           Russia’s seaborne crude exports, which  ruary, but could fall off to nothing in December
                         account for three quarters of Russia’s exports,  when a mooted oil ban comes into force. How-
                         averaged 3.4mn barrels per day (bpd) during the  ever, confusion reigns on what will happen in
                         seven months since the war began, according to  December, as the G7 finance ministers recently
                         Kpler’s data, a 17% increase on the same period  agreed to implement an oil price cap scheme that
                         a year earlier.                      would allow unlimited imports of oil to the EU
                           And Russia’s clean products exports averaged  but would cap the maximum price Russia could
                         1.4mn bpd in March-September, down 5.5%  charge for the oil. Few details on how the scheme
                         year on year, American Shipper reports. Alto-  will be enforced have been released, or at what
                         gether, Russia’s crude and products seaborne  level the proposed cap will be set at. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   06•October•2022
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