Page 10 - EurOil Week 33 2022
P. 10

EurOil                                         INVESTMENT                                              EurOil

       Shell resumes plan to sell

       stake in Cambo oilfield

        UK                SHELL has resumed plans to sell its 30% interest  March, however, in light of soaring oil and gas
                         in the Cambo oilfield West of the Shetlands in  prices in recent months triggered by Russia’s war
      Cambo is economically   the UK North Sea, Reuters reported on August  in Ukraine.
      unfeasible, according   11, potentially paving a way for the project’s   Ithaca acquired a 70% position in the project
      to  Shell, but another   development.                   in April last year through the $1.1bn takeover of
      operator might think   Cambo is touted as the second-largest unde-  its North Sea rival Siccar Point, stressing that the
      differently.       veloped resource in the North Sea, with an esti-  field was economically viable.
                         mated 175mn barrels of oil in place (OIP) and   Greenpeace has hailed Shell’s decision to pull
                         some 1.5bn cubic metres of gas. But its develop-  out from Cambo as a victory, and this month has
                         ment has been held up by environmental scru-  called for a week of protests against another Shell
                         tiny, despite heightened concerns about the UK’s  development off the UK shore, the Jackdaw gas
                         future energy security in the wake of Moscow’s  field. The company took a final investment deci-
                         invasion of Ukraine.                 sion (FID) on Jackdaw in late July after its devel-
                           According to Reuters, Shell has hired invest-  opment plans were approved by the government
                         ment bank Jefferies to manage the sales process,  in the previous month.
                         after company CEO Ben van Beurden said last   Opposition to upstream development in the
                         month that he could not see the oil major taking  UK comes as the country contends with soaring
                         part in the project because the “economics are  energy bills that have prompted the government
                         simply not supportive enough.” However, the  to consider emergency blackout plans this winter
                         new owner for the stake will most likely support  and additional measures to protect vulnerable
                         development, sources told Reuters.   consumers. Cambo could account for as much
                           Shell in 2018 farmed into the project, which  as 8% of UK oil production between 2026 and
                         at the time was operated by Siccar Point Energy.  2030, a study by Edinburgh-based Wood Mac-
                         But the major announced in December last  kenzie has estimated. The UK oil industry has
                         year it was withdrawing because of its weak  warned that a failure to develop new oil and gas
                         economics, although the decision also followed  fields will leave the country significantly more
                         a sustained campaign against development  dependent on imports in the years to come, rais-
                         led by Greenpeace and other NGOs. Shell was  ing energy prices and resulting in higher emis-
                         reported to be reconsidering its position in  sions. ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   18•August•2022
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