Page 6 - EurOil Week 33 2022
P. 6
First gas expected through Greece-Bulgaria
interconnector in October
BULGARIA THE first gas is expected to flow through the project for guaranteeing Bulgaria’s stable eco-
Greece-Bulgaria interconnector (IGB) on Octo- nomic development, as well as “in support of the
ber 1, Bulgarian Energy Minister Rosen Hristov European policy to strengthen the independence
Bulgaria had its said on August 12. and security of energy supplies”.
Russian gas supply cut The interconnector is an important part of IGB said on August 10 that the main activ-
off earlier this year. Bulgaria’s efforts to diversify its gas supplies, and ities for the construction of the interconnector
secure additional gas after Russia’s Gazprom had been completed, and secondary activities
cut off deliveries in April when the Bulgarian are expected to be completed by the end of this
authorities refused to pay in rubles. month.
“There is some confidence that the project “Currently, all main construction activities
will be completed and commissioned on time. for the implementation of the project have been
The builder has made all the commitments completed, and since mid-June all facilities have
that the commissioning will be on time – com- been filled with gas and successfully tested with
mercial quantities of gas should flow through actual quantities of natural gas,” the company
the pipe on October 1,” said Hristov, Novinite said.
reported. IGB added that with the aim of the earliest
Hristov made the comment after a meeting possible introduction of IGB into commercial
between President Rumen Radev and represent- operation, it had submitted a proposal to the
atives of IGB and Avax, the construction com- Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development
pany building the interconnector. and Public Works for establishing phasing of the
“The intersystem gas connection between project.
Bulgaria and Greece is a project of essential “The main goal is that all activities necessary
importance, not only for deepening the strategic for the start of commercial operation are carried
partnership between our two countries, but also out as a priority in Phase 1, which would allow a
for achieving real diversification in the supply of timely start of natural gas transmission through
energy resources for Bulgaria and for the coun- the interconnector. All other activities that are
tries of Central and Eastern Europe,” said Radev not directly related to the operation of the facil-
at the meeting, according to a statement from the ity are included in a separate phase. They will
presidency. continue to be implemented in parallel with the
Radev also emphasised the importance of the operation of the pipeline,” it added.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 33 18•August•2022