Page 5 - EurOil Week 33 2022
P. 5

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

                                                                                                  The Astora natural
                                                                                                  gas storage facility in

                         sent off to Canada for repair. The turbine is now  $30bn if the European Commission’s ambition
                         stuck in a German port awaiting delivery back  of taking utilisation even higher to 90% before
                         to Russia. Berlin claims there are no remain-  winter is realised.
                         ing obstacles to its return, accusing Moscow of   Were Russia to cut off gas supply to Europe
                         blocking the process. But Russia has said it lacks  entirely, as some leaders have warned, the sit-
                         the paperwork to receive the turbine, demand-  uation would of course become radically dif-
                         ing reassurances that sanctions will not prevent  ferent. How significant the impact would be
                         the repair and return of additional equipment.  would depend greatly on the weather ahead and
                           The situation has been exacerbated by scorch-  the availability of LNG. Global LNG supply is
                         ing summer weather across the continent, which  already at a record level of capacity, raising ques-
                         has led to soaring energy demand for cooling  tions about how many extra shipments the EU
                         systems, and has caused water levels to drop rap-  can procure.
                         idly, hampering the transport of energy goods   The outlook going forward will also depend
                         such as coal and triggering a slump in demand  on the EU’s success in curbing gas demand to
                         at hydroelectric plants.             save supplies for the heating season. So far, Brus-
                           Lower wind power output has also made  sels has only asked member states to impose 15%
                         the situation worse, with generation at German  voluntary cuts in consumption until the end of
                         wind farms dropping close to zero for periods  next winter. But those cuts could become man-
                         on August 16. French nuclear outages continue,  datory if the European Commission decides it is
                         while Norway has had to cut its gas supply to  necessary if the risk of winter shortages becomes
                         the continent because of field maintenance, and  extreme, though the mandate would still need to
                         its government has warned it may have to limit  be approved by member states. In any case, many
                         power exports to the rest of Europe because of  member states will be able to secure exemptions
                         low water levels at its hydroelectric dams.  from a mandated cut, under a watered-down
                           Data published by Gas Infrastructure  version of the Commission’s proposal that was
                         Europe shows that EU gas storage facilities  signed off on by national governments last
                         reached 74.74% of capacity on August 13. Gas  month.
                         storage injection rates have largely followed   Meanwhile, European countries have been
                         the average trend for the last two months, even  jacking up energy bills for consumers in order to
                         though the cost of storing those volumes has  avoid suppliers falling into bankruptcy because
                         been increasing. The EU has mandated that  of soaring  purchase costs – a fate that Uni-
                         bloc members fill their facilities to 80% of  per narrowly avoided thanks to a bailout deal
                         capacity by the end of October, but the market  reached with the government. The price cap for
                         has largely done governments’ work for them,  energy bills in the UK, for example, is expected
                         as traders have been stockpiling gas because  to exceed GBP4,000 ($4,800) this winter, accord-
                         they anticipate even higher prices this winter  ing to analysis from Cornwall Insight, and the
                         (see chart).                         rising cost has led to protests across the coun-
                           Bringing storage volumes to 80% of capac-  try. Similar actions are taking place elsewhere in
                         ity is realistic, but the cost will be staggering at  Europe. European leaders face two main chal-
                         today’s spot prices. Futures contracts at TTF  lenges this winter: preventing their energy sys-
                         have remained above $2,000 per 1,000 cubic  tems from collapsing and avoiding mass unrest
                         metres and at times significantly higher since late  among the populace, all while the soaring cost of
                         July. At this price, it would cost roughly $10bn  energy risks plunging the continent into a deep
                         to reach the EU target, and the bill would rise to  recession this winter. ™

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