Page 7 - EurOil Week 33 2022
P. 7
Scholz pushes for Iberian-Central Europe
gas pipeline
GERMANY GERMAN Chancellor Olaf Scholz has urged Europe so as not to depend on Russian gas and
Europe to come together to support the con- be more self-sufficient energy wise.”
The Iberian struction of a natural gas pipeline from Portu- The US government and businesses have also
Peninsula has excess gal to Central Europe to support the continent’s long advocated for the Portuguese deepwater
regasification capacity, energy security and accelerate efforts to reduce Atlantic port of Sines to be used as a gateway for
and the rest of Europe Russian imports. the country’s LNG into Europe.
needs more. Portugal and neighbouring Spain boast sig- Spain alone has six operational LNG import
nificantly under-utilised LNG import capacity, terminals with a combined import capacity of
but there are limits to how much these termi- 44.1mn tonnes per year (tpy), or 61bn cubic
nals can be used to supply gas beyond the Ibe- metres per year. That is more than enough to
rian Peninsula because of capacity constraints meet the country’s annual gas demand, which
at the Spanish-French and French-German totalled 36 bcm in 2021, and the Iberian Pen-
borders. Scholz said that by overcoming these insula also benefits from pipeline supplies from
constraints, the peninsula could provide gas to Algeria and Morocco.
help Germany and other countries significantly A gas pipeline that would have run between
dependent on Russian gas to secure alternative Spain’s Catalonia region, where its largest LNG
sources of supply. terminal is located, and south-east France was
“I have spent a lot of time dealing with a pipe- proposed in 2013, but was subsequently aban-
line that we sorely lack, namely the pipeline that doned because of difficulties with securing
should have been built between Portugal, Spain, financing and a lack of political support from
through France to Central Europe,” the German France. Known as Midcat, the project would
chancellor said on August 11. “It would now have also provided a means of sending more gas
make a massive contribution to relieving and from North Africa to the rest of Europe. Mean-
easing the supply situation.” while, Italian gas grid operator Snam signed a
The chancellor’s words of support have been memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
welcomed by Portugal and Spain, which have Spain’s Enagas in May on building a pipeline link
been promoting the pipeline’s construction for between their two respective countries.
years. Scholz said he had been in discussion with
“Spain is well prepared,” Spanish Industry Spain, Portugal, France and the European Com-
Minister Reyes Maroto told Antena 3 televi- mission on the new project. But its exact scope,
sion on August 12. “We hope that if the German and whether it will incorporate previous pipeline
chancellor’s proposal prospers, we will have plans on the Iberian Peninsula, is unclear at this
better gasification and more interconnection in stage.
Week 33 18•August•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P7