Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 09 2021
P. 10

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Rosneft further expands

       Vostok Oil reserves

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Rosneft has further expanded its  used PRMS system, with 3P reserves assessed at
                         resource base in the Russian Arctic, further  some 12bn barrels.
       Vostok Oil comprises   underpinning its Vostok Oil megaproject.  “This means Rosneft purchased the undevel-
       several large-sized fields    The Russian classification C1+C2 reserve  oped reserves at a consideration of under $1 per
       in Russia's far north.  estimate for the Payakha field cluster, recently  barrel on a 3P basis,” BCS GM said in a research
                         acquired by Rosneft from private partner Neft-  note on March 1.
                         egazholding (NGH), was raised by 930mn   Rosneft is also preparing to take part in an
                         barrels over the course of 2020, from 8.9bn to  April tender for two nearby gas licence areas on
                         9.8bn barrels, Interfax reported on February  the Arctic Taymyr peninsula. The company is
                         26. Rosneft also obtained two new exploration  looking to build up Vostok Oil’s gas resources to
                         licences in the area in January, Vostochno-Pay-  support potential LNG production. The Turk-
                         akhsky and Vostochno-Peschany, expanding its  ovsky and Deryabinsky blocks combined hold
                         resources further.                   nearly 110bn cubic metres of gas.
                           Vostok Oil comprises several large-sized   Extra resources will also help Rosneft in its
                         oilfields in Russia’s far north, with the Payakha  search for equity partners at Vostok Oil. The
                         fields serving as its main undeveloped resource  company brought on board Singaporean com-
                         base. Company CEO Igor Sechin has predicted  modities trader Trafigura in December, selling a
                         the project will flow 1mn barrels per day by 2027,  10% stake for a reported $7bn. It is understood
                         rising to over 2mn bpd at a later stage.  to be in talks with other trading giants Vitol,
                           Rosneft paid $9.6bn in cash for the NGH  Glencore and Gunvor, among others. Global oil
                         fields, as well as exchanging some mature assets  majors and oil-importing countries like India
                         further south. The fields are actually estimated  have also expressed interest, Rosneft told inves-
                         to hold even more oil under the internationally  tors last month ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2021
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