Page 8 - FSUOGM Week 09 2021
P. 8

FSUOGM                                       PERFORMANCE                                            FSUOGM

       Gazprom enjoys 7.8% output

       bump in Jan-Feb 2021

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN state gas exporter Gazprom enjoyed a  as the oil price collapse a year ago began to feed
                         7.8% bump in production in the first two months  into Gazprom’s prices towards the end of 2020.
       Gazprom was forced to   of the year, on the back of very cold weather in   A similar trend has been seen in many Euro-
       shut down a major field   Russia and across Europe.    pean markets.
       last week after a fire.  The company produced 89.9bn cubic metres
                         of gas in January and February, according to  Field fire
                         preliminary data published on March 1. Its sales  Gazprom was forced to shut down operations at
                         to the domestic market climbed 19.5% year on  a major gas field in Western Siberia on Febru-
                         year to 68 bcm, while exports to the so-called Far  ary 26 after a fire broke out at a gas processing
                         Abroad, meaning Europe plus Turkey minus the  facility.
                         countries of the former Soviet Union, soared   The Yubileynoye field underwent an emer-
                         32.3% to 34.3 bcm.                   gency shutdown at 10:45 am local time after
                           “Due to severe cold snaps and snowfalls, nat-  the fire was reported. Personnel were evacuated
                         ural gas demand in Russia and Europe went up  from the site and firefighters are working to
                         in February,” Gazprom said in a post on social  extinguish the blaze, the company said. Video
                         media. “Against this backdrop, we continued to  footage shared by Russian media showed a large
                         provide reliable gas supplies to our consumers.”  plume of fire reaching 20 metres into the air
                           Germany, Gazprom’s biggest gas customer,  above a building.
                         increased imports from the company by 32.9%.   “There are no casualties. Gas production is
                         Growth was also seen in Turkey (+52.9%), Italy  temporarily suspended,” Gazprom unit Gaz-
                         (+64%), Hungary (+85%), France (+26.7%),  prom Dobycha Nadym said in a statement.
                         Poland (+36%), Bulgaria (+56.5%), Serbia   The Yubileynoye field in the Yamalo-Nen-
                         (+52.2%), Romania (+54.5%) and Greece  ets region started production in 2000 and has
                         (+27.3%).                            flowed over 300 bcm of gas since then. The acci-
                           Supplies to Turkey more than doubled y/y  dent happened days after an explosion at a Gaz-
                         in February, Gazprom said. Turkish gas buyers  prom pipeline that transports gas to Kazakhstan,
                         scaled back Russian purchases in the early part of  forcing its closure. On March 1, an oil pipeline
                         last year, as the supplies were uncompetitive next  rupture was also reported at the Sporyshevskoye
                         to LNG, given the oil indexation of prices in Gaz-  field operated by Gazprom’s oil arm Gazprom
                         prom’s contracts. The situation has now reversed,  Neft, also in the Yamalo-Nenets province. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   03•March•2021
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