Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 09 2021
P. 11

FSUOGM                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Gazprom, Wintershall Dea prepare

       to launch next Achimov project

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Gazprom and Germany’s Wintershall  to yield 15.5bn cubic metres per year of gas in
                         Dea are preparing to start production at the  2027-2030.
       Gazprom and       Achimov Block 5A formation of Western Sibe-  Gazprom has divided the Achimov layer into
       Wintershall Dea   ria’s Urengoy field shortly, the latter’s CEO Mario  five blocks. The company is also partnered with
       brought online the   Mehren said on February 24.       Wintershall at Block 1A, which started produc-
                           The pair brought online Achimov Block 4A  tion in 2011 and reached a plateau rate of 10 bcm
                         earlier this year. The Urengoy gas field is one of  per year in late 2019. It works alone at 2A, which
                         the world’s largest, containing almost 11 trillion  came on stream in 2009 and has a design capacity
                         cubic metres of gas. It was first put into produc-  of 8.4 bcm per year.
                         tion in the late 1970s, and to date development   The final Block 3A is undeveloped. Gazprom
                         has focused largely on the field’s Cenomanian  has said before that combined, the five blocks
                         and Valanginian reservoirs, situated at depths of  could flow as much as nearly 37 bcm per year
                         between 1,100 and 3,200 metres.      of gas.
                           However, Gazprom has also started exploit-  Wintershall Dea is a major foreign investor
                         ing its deeper Achimov resources, located some  in Russia’s upstream. The company produced
                         4,000 metres below the surface. Because of the  295,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd)
                         Achimov layer’s greater complexity, however, the  in the country last year, equal to nearly half of its
                         Russian firm has sought international partners.  overall output.
                           Gazprom holds 75% interests in the Achimov   Gazprom had hoped to bring on board Aus-
                         blocks 4A and 5A, while Wintershall Dea owns  tria’s OMV as an investor at 4A and 5A. But after
                         25% stakes. The pair kicked off production at the  years of negotiations, the pair are yet to close a
                         4A block in January.                 deal. OMV revealed in early February that the
                           “We will start the launch and adjustment  expiry date for its option to take a 25% posi-
                         works on the 5A block in a few months,”  tion in 4A and 5A at Urengoy had been pushed
                         Mehren told investors while presenting Win-  back for three years until 2025. Whether or not
                         tershall Dea’s fourth-quarter results. Gazprom  the company chooses to expand in Russia will
                         has said the block's start-up will occur in the  depend on the performance of its other projects,
                         current quarter.                     CEO Rainer Seele said.
                           The 4A and 5A blocks contains over 1   “We are not thinking about acquisitions at the
                         trillion cubic metres and 400mn tonnes of  moment,” he said in a fourth-quarter earnings
                         condensate in C1 reserves, according to Gaz-  call. “However, we will keep this option in our
                         prom. Combined, the two blocks are expected  portfolio.” ™

       Week 09   03•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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