Page 7 - FSUOGM Week 09 2021
P. 7

FSUOGM                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                        FSUOGM

       Novatek strikes LNG supply

       deal with Shenergy

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN LNG exporter Novatek has struck a  CNPC and CNOOC Ltd also each have 10% and
                         deal to supply over 3mn tonnes per year (tpy) of  a further 10% is divided between Japan’s Mitsui
       Shenergy buys and   the super-cooled gas to China’s Shenergy.  and JOGMEC.
       distributes gas in China,   The gas will come from the Novatek-led Arc-  This marks the third contract signed by
       handling around 10bn   tic LNG-2 project, due to start up in 2023, and  Novatek’s subsidiary Novatek Gas & Power
       cubic metres per year.  will be sent to Chinese import terminals on a  Asia. It signed its first for 1mn tpy of supply
                         delivered ex-ship basis.             to commodities trader Vitol in 2019. The com-
                           Novatek CEO Leonid Mikhelson said the deal  pany is set to provide a further 1mn tpy to
                         was part of its strategy “to diversify our client  Spain’s Repsol.
                         base and target end-consumers in the fast-grow-  State-owned Shenergy buys and distributes
                         ing Asia-Pacific region.”            gas in China, handling around 10bn cubic metres
                           “The Chinese market is one of the key regions  of supply per year. The company also signed a
                         in our LNG marketing strategy, and we plan to  heads of agreement (HoA) with Malaysia’s Pet-
                         further increase our supplies of LNG to this  ronas in January to receive 1.5mn tpy of supply.
                         country,” he said.                     Novatek’s other up and coming project is
                           Arctic LNG-2’s three trains are due online  Obsk LNG, which is anticipated to come online
                         in 2023, 2024 and 2026, producing a total of  in 2024. A final investment decision (FID) is still
                         19.8mn tpy of LNG at full capacity. Novatek  pending, although Mikhelson recently suggested
                         operates the project with a 60% interest, while  the project’s output could be 20-25% more than
                         France’s Total has 10%, Chinese companies  the original plan of 5mn tpy. ™


       Gazprom reiterates dividend targets

        RUSSIA           THE CFO of Russian gas giant Gazprom, Famil  per share (10-11% yield) for 2021, and see the
                         Sadygov, reiterated that dividend payments  "the CFO's reassuring message as positive for the
       Gazprom will keep to   remain one of the company's key priorities, Sber-  stock."
       its promises, despite   bank CIB wrote on February 24 citing the CFO's   In December 2020 BCS Global Markets
       increased leverage.  statements at a meeting with investors.  "enthusiastically confirmed" a Buy call on
                           As reported by bne IntelliNews, despite the  Gazprom. The analysts noted that Gazprom's
                         losses sustained in 2020, the market expected the  exports are recovering faster than expected after
                         company to stick to the current dividend plan  a tough year, with European exports seen return-
                         despite the strain on finances.      ing to normal by 2023.
                           Sadygov again pledged to fully stick with the   VTBC in December 2020 also upgraded the
                         dividend policy payout targets, despite the ele-  investment case on Gazprom, noting that the
                         vated financial leverage at the end of last year,  entire gas futures price curve is moving up and
                         planning to recommend a 40% payout ratio on  that the company's shares are yet to reflect this.™
                         adjusted net income for 2020, and 50% payout
                         ratio for 2021.
                           Gazprom was previously concerned that
                         financial leverage could exceed 3x on net debt/
                         Ebitda at the end of 2020, with the actual ratio
                         coming close to 2.8x and expected to decline to
                         2x by the end of 2021.
                           "The CFO's guidance on the dividend payouts
                         and financial leverage dynamic are fully in line
                         with our estimates," Sberbank CIB commented.
                           The analysts forecast that the company will
                         pay RUB9 dividend per share (making a 4%
                         yield) for 2020 and raise it to RUB22-RUB24

       Week 09   03•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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