Page 15 - DMEA Week 49
P. 15

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Kuwait launches its biggest CDU

        KUWAIT           KUWAIT has brought on stream its largest  progressively continue the hand-over and com-
                         crude distillation unit (CDU) at the Mina Abdul-  mission each unit safely to complete the refinery
       The CDU has a refining   lah refinery.                 mega project.”
       capacity of 264,000   The unit was launched as part of Kuwait’s   In total some 12 new processing units will be
       bpd.              Clean Fuels Project (CFP), which involves the  added as part of CFP. At the height of construc-
                         upgrade of the Mina Abdullah and Mina Al  tion work there were more than 15,000 people
                         Ahmadi refineries to increase their output and  onsite, Bokil said, with more than 125 cranes and
                         create cleaner and higher-value products. The  over 1,600 items of construction machinery and
                         UK’s Petrofac, Germany’s Samsung Engineering  equipment present.
                         and CB&I Nederland are undertaking the $3.7bn   “Meanwhile, an exemplary safety record has
                         project for state-owned refiner Kuwait National  been maintained, with more than 64.5mn work
                         Petroleum Co. (KNPC).                hours without a lost-time incident since May
                           The CDU has a refining capacity of 264,000  2018,” the director said.
                         barrels per day (bpd), Petrofac said. Its crude   Petrofac and its partners won an engi-
                         column is 75 metres long, 13 metres wide and  neering, procurement  and  construction
                         weighs 900 tonnes.                   (EPC) contract for CFP in 2014. The goal is
                           “The successful operation of the CDU is very  to expand throughput capacity at the Mina
                         much the gateway to this important project for  Abdullah and Mina Al-Ahmadi refineries to
                         Kuwait’s refining industry,” Petrofac project  800,000 bpd.
                         director Prashant Bokil commented. The work   Kuwait is also developing a new 615,000 bpd
                         was completed “despite the many recent opera-  refinery in Al-Zour in its south. The facility is
                         tional challenges due to the pandemic. We are  now estimated to be 97% complete, and oil began
                         focused on the remaining work ahead, as we  flowing to the plant last week. ™

       Explosion rocks South

       African oil refinery

        SOUTH AFRICA     AN explosion rocked Engen’s oil refinery in Dur-  bpd refinery owned by local fuel supplier Astron
                         ban, South Africa, on December 4, local emer-  Energy in Cape Town, leaving two dead and
       The extent of the   gency services reported, injuring seven people.  seven injured.
       damage is unclear.  The blast occurred at 05:10 GMT and the   The Engen refinery was built in the 1950s.
                         ensuing fire was put out by 06:45 GMT. Local  Its fate is uncertain, with local media recently
                         residents described seeing a large fireball at the  reporting that the facility could be shut in 2023
                         centre of the refinery, followed by billowing  and converted into a fuel storage terminal.
                         black smoke.                           Several other fires have occurred at the plant
                           The extent of damage to the facility, capable of  over the years. One in 2005 broke out at one of
                         processing up to 120,000 barrels per day (bpd) of  its solvent plants, causing a short shutdown. It
                         oil, is unclear as of press time. Operator Engen,  had to be closed down for lengthy repairs in 2008
                         majority-owned by Malaysia’s Petronas, issued a  after another one.
                         statement saying it was investigating the cause   The refinery has also been mired with contro-
                         of the incident.                     versy for decades over its environmental impact.
                           South Africa hosts six refineries in total, four  Specifically, local residents have raised health
                         of which run on crude oil and two on synthetic  concerns about its pollution levels. It has also
                         fuel. But the country is a net importer of petro-  been the target of protests over Engen’s failure to
                         leum products.                       hire local contractors.
                           The country’s biggest refinery SAPREF, a   “Engen will provide an update about the inci-
                         joint venture between BP and Royal Dutch Shell  dent as soon as further information is available,”
                         that is located nearby to the Engen plant, said its  a spokesperson for the refinery’s operator said
                         operations were unaffected by the incident. The  in a statement to local press. “Safeguarding the
                         two facilities form part of the same petrochem-  health, safety and well-being of our people, com-
                         ical hub.                            munity and environment remains our utmost
                           Another fire broke out in July at a 100,000  priority.” ™

       Week 49   10•December•2020               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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