Page 19 - DMEA Week 49
P. 19
Mozambique launches new
fuel storage terminal
MOZAMBIQUE MOZAMBIQUE has opened a new fuel stor- cooking, reducing the use of firewood and
age terminal in the southern city of Matola – a charcoal, the president added. This will help cut
The terminal can store project the government hopes will expand the deforestation and improve the health of people,
up to 60,00 cubic transit of imported fuel to neighbouring coun- mostly women, who cook household meals, he
metres. tries inland. said.
The facility was inaugurated in a ceremony by “We are in the presence of infrastructure
Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi on Decem- whose contribution to the economy goes far
ber 3. It was built by Portugal’s Galp and Kuwait- beyond the direct activities that arise from its
based Independent Petroleum Group (IPG), at a business,” Nyusi said. “This infrastructure will
cost of $100mn. help the energy sector to respond to its chal-
Nyusi said the terminal would make Mozam- lenges and to cope with the marked increase in
bique more competitive as a transit route for fuels national and regional demand.”
supplies heading to countries inland. Mozam- The terminal can store up to 60,000 cubic
bique lacks any refining capacity, importing metres of liquid fuels. According to its website,
around 1.7mn cubic metres per year of petro- Galp intends to commission a second storage
leum products, the president said. Neighbour- facility in the central city of Beira next year, with
ing Zambia and Zimbabwe also receive fuel via a 75,000-cubic metre capacity. It operates two
Mozambican ports. other facilities in the southern African country
The new terminal will also expand Mozam- already. The company also has an extensive fuel
bican households’ access to LPG as a fuel in distribution network.
EBRD lends Turkey €57mn to renew
fleet with CNG vehicles
TURKEY THE European Bank for Reconstruction and population is growing at around 2% a year, put-
Development (EBRD) has provided a loan of ting pressure on urban transport.
The funds will go to €57.1mn to EGO, a public transport company in A memorandum of understanding was for-
EGO, a public transport the Turkish capital Ankara. malised on December 10 in a virtual meeting
company in the Turkish Bus services in Ankara are managed by held by the Mayor of Ankara, Mansur Yavas, and
capital Ankara. Ankara Electricity, Gas and Bus Operations the EBRD’s managing director for Turkey, Arvid
Organization (EGO General Directorate). EGO Tuerkner, and Sustainable Infrastructure Group
is a state-owned company affiliated to Ankara managing director Nandita Parshad.
Metropolitan Municipality. To date the EBRD has invested nearly €12.8bn
With the loan, EGO will replace polluting in 329 projects in Turkey, 96% of which are in the
diesel buses with 254 compressed natural gas private sector.
(CNG) buses and install a CNG filling station,
the development bank said in a statement.
Buying the new buses will help the company
as it retires from service polluting buses that are
up to 20 years old.
The agreement confirmed Ankara as the 44th
member of EBRD Green Cities, the bank’s flag-
ship urban sustainability programme.
Ankara will be the second city in Turkey to
join EBRD Green Cities following Izmir and will
be a showcase for others that wish to follow in its
footsteps, the EBRD added.
Ankara, with a population of 5.7mn, is the
second largest city in Turkey after Istanbul. Its
Week 49 10•December•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19