Page 16 - DMEA Week 49
P. 16

DMEA                                       PETROCHEMICALS                                              DMEA

       More issues for Aramco at Jazan

        SAUDI ARABIA     SAUDI Arabia last week announced a pump  in late 2019 ahead of the refinery beginning
                         malfunction had occurred at Saudi Aramco’s  operations.
       Aramco said on    petroleum derivatives distribution station in the   Jazan has been the source of numerous head-
       December 2 that its   southern Jazan region in another interruption to  aches for Aramco. In the company’s annual
       technical teams were   the state oil firm’s activities there.  report, which was released earlier this year, it
       working around the   On December 2, Aramco said its technical  noted: “Saudi Aramco recognised an impair-
       clock to fix the technical   teams were “working around the clock to fix the  ment of SAR13,646mn [$3.6bn] for the year
       malfunction as soon as   technical malfunction as soon as possible, and  ended December 31, 2016 primarily related to
       possible.         provide the petroleum products that the Jazan  the Jazan integrated petrochemical refinery
                         region needs from the station without interrup-  under construction and two existing domestic
                         tion, as the supply of petroleum products has  refineries.”
                         gradually returned.”                   Delays were caused when the decision was
                           Citing merely a ‘technical problem’, the com-  taken to change the location of the refinery
                         pany reported on December 5 that it was back  under construction to make way for new export
                         online. “Works of loading oil derivatives for the  facilities. Jazan will have a capacity to produce
                         station’s customers have resumed after the tech-  209,900 bpd of ultra-low sulphur diesel, 71,400
                         nical problem was repaired,” it said, providing no  bpd of 91 RON and 95 RON gasoline, 48,500 bpd
                         further details.                     of high sulphur fuel oil and 6,700 bpd of LPG,
                           Jazan is home to a new 400,000 barrel per day  according to Aramco.
                         refinery, which is ramping up towards opera-  Also located within the ‘Economic City’ is the
                         tional capacity. According to Aramco, the facil-  Jazan Integrated Gas Combined-Cycle (IGCC)
                         ity will begin processing 200,000 bpd of crude  plant, for which Aramco established the $8bn
                         before doubling that in 2021.        Jazan Power JV last year to serve the refinery.
                           While on this occasion, the issue appears to  The JV is 46% owned by Air Products, 25% by
                         have been a glitch, Aramco’s operations in Jazan  ACWA Power, 20% by Saudi Aramco and 9% by
                         have been plagued by problems, most notably  Air Products Qudra.
                         attacks from the Yemen-based Houthis, as well   The private partners are carrying out a
                         as issues with changes to the facility’s design.  design-build contract awarded in 2015 covering
                           In November, the Ministry of Energy said  the air separation unit and oxygen supply facility
                         that Saudi security forces had foiled the attack  – at capacity of 20,000 tpd of oxygen and 55,000
                         by intercepting and destroying two boats  tpd of nitrogen billed as the world’s largest indus-
                         filled with explosives, though a fire broke out  trial gases complex – at the 4,000-MW plant.
                         at the terminal’s floating hoses without any   The remainder of the IGCC project is being
                         casualties.                          executed on an EPC basis – with Italy’s Saipem,
                           Aside from its proximity to Yemen, Jazan is  China’s Sepco and Spain’s Tecnicas Reunidas
                         also located far from Saudi Arabia’s oil produc-  winning the four main packages in 2014. The
                         tion hub in the Eastern Province. As a result, car-  new three-way JV will operate the gasification
                         goes of crude have arrived by sea, with around  and power assets for 25 years from completion,
                         4mn barrels understood to have been sent there  which is scheduled next year. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 49   10•December•2020
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