Page 17 - DMEA Week 49
P. 17

DMEA                                               LNG                                                DMEA

                                                                                                  The Nigeria LNG plant
                                                                                                  on Bonny Island.

       NNPC head: NLNG shareholders

       now discussing Train 8

        NIGERIA          SHAREHOLDERS in the Nigeria LNG (NLNG)  instance, Train 7 is adding almost close to what
                         consortium have begun discussions on the con-  the current trains are doing,” he said, according
       Nigeria’s government   struction of another production train at their  to This Day.
       has said before that   natural gas liquefaction plant on Bonny Island.  He was referring to the fact that the Train
       NLNG could eventually   Mele Kyari, the group managing director of  7 scheme envisions the construction of a new
       have as many as 12   Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC),  production unit that will add 4.2mn tonnes per
       trains in operation.  made an announcement to this effect earlier this  year (tpy) of new capacity to NLNG, as well as
                         week, during a briefing in Abuja. He told report-  the debottlenecking of existing trains, which
                         ers that NLNG had begun talks at the behest of  will contribute another 3.4mn tpy. (The consor-
                         President Muhammadu Buhari. The president  tium reached the FID stage on the project, which
                         noted that the group had acted quickly to make  will boost the Bonny Island plant’s production
                         a final investment decision (FID) on the Train 7  capacity from 22.5mn tpy to 30mn tpy, earlier
                         project and then urged it to take similar meas-  this year.)
                         ures to speed up work on the next production   Kyari did not reveal any details of the dis-
                         train.                               cussions on Train 8, but he did say that NLNG
                           “As we have done FID on Train 7, we have  and its shareholders were committed to sup-
                         already started speaking to our partners to go  porting the Nigerian government’s efforts to
                         to Train 8. And indeed, [Buhari’s] question was  promote the use of gas and to expand LNG
                         that he was surprised that we are still on Train  production. Abuja views LNG initiatives as
                         7,” Kyari was quoted as saying by This Day. “He  sources of “more jobs, more employment,
                         thought we should be talking about Train 8, and  more expansion of the economy,” he remarked.
                         I agree with him absolutely, because there was  “We agree with this and we are also chasing
                         enormous room for us to improve.”    that appropriately.”
                           The Nigerian government has said before   NLNG was formed more than 20 years ago
                         that NLNG could eventually have as many as 12  and has been producing LNG since 1999. Equity
                         trains in operation, but the NNPC chief did not  in the consortium is split between state-owned
                         reveal whether that target was still in place. “[It’s  NNPC, with 49%; Royal Dutch Shell (UK/Neth-
                         not the number of trains that is significant. It’s  erlands), with 25.6%; Total (France), with 15%,
                         the volume of production that is important. For  and Eni (Italy), with 10.4%. ™

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