Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       North American pipeline

       players explore hydrogen

       Several pipeline operators in North America have started

       experimenting with hydrogen in anticipation of its wider

       adoption in the future

        NORTH AMERICA    VARIOUS North American pipeline operators  2030. The target is considered a stepping stone
                         are starting to make forays into hydrogen as the  to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
       WHAT:             energy transition picks up pace. This includes   Under the Biden administration, the
       North American pipeline   efforts to start producing hydrogen, as well as  US Department of Energy (DoE) recently
       operators are beginning   beginning to test it in existing natural gas sys-  announced that it wanted to reduce the cost of
       to produce hydrogen and   tems, in anticipation of the fuel’s wider adoption.  clean hydrogen from $5 per kg to $1 per kg, or
       test it in their existing   Such plans are still in their early days, how-  by 80%, within a decade.
       infrastructure.   ever, and there is still a long way to go before   Canada, meanwhile, is also targeting net-zero
                         the cleanest forms of hydrogen – those that are  emissions by 2050 and unveiled a hydrogen
       WHY:              being talked up as being key components of  strategy in late 2020. The strategy projects that
       The fuel is expected to   the energy transition – can become economi-  hydrogen could deliver up to 30% of Canada’s
       play a major role in the   cally viable. Nonetheless, pipeline operators are  end-use energy by 2050.
       energy transition, and   increasingly willing to demonstrate their envi-  All of this is good news for private companies
       these companies are   ronmental credentials and show that they are  wishing to move into hydrogen, as they will
       anticipating its wider   open to what is being described as an important  certainly benefit from initiatives to bring down
       adoption.         transition fuel.                     the cost of clean versions of the fuel, as well as
                           These early efforts are being seen in both the  broader government support. However, signif-
       WHAT NEXT:        US and Canada – two countries that are trying  icantly more financial support will be needed
       Cleaner forms of   to show that the energy transition is increasingly  to help blue and green hydrogen – the former
       hydrogen will require   a priority for them. In the US, under President  produced from natural gas using carbon capture
       significant financial   Joe Biden, this marks a significant turnaround  and storage (CCS) to address emissions, and the
       support in order to   from his predecessor, Donald Trump, who took  latter made using renewable sources – take off.
       become mainstream.  the country out of the Paris Agreement and con-
                         stantly sought to prioritise fossil fuel production  Steps forward
                         over any climate change concerns. By contrast,  In the meantime, hydrogen initiatives being pur-
                         Biden has returned the US to the Paris Agree-  sued by various pipeline operators could help
                         ment and set a target for the country to cut its  put them at the forefront of the nascent industry.
                         greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 50-52% by  Among those making a foray into hydrogen is

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