Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         Canada’s Enbridge, which has operations across  this is accurate, it could help cut carbon dioxide
                         North America and is increasingly incorporat-  (CO2) emissions from the power sector, which
                         ing renewables and decarbonisation initiatives  has been one of the fastest-growing sources of
                         into its strategy.                   demand for gas.
                           Enbridge is blending up to 2% hydrogen into
                         its natural gas distribution systems in Ontario,  What next?
                         and has also just received approval to blend  Pipeline operators – oil as well as gas – have
                         hydrogen in Quebec.                  the advantage of being able to leverage existing
                           “We are looking to understand the poten-  infrastructure and rights of way as they move
                         tial either with the existing system or, as we’re  into hydrogen. However, more work still needs
                         continuing to modernise the gas pipeline sys-  to be carried out – not just in North America
                         tem, to ensure that new construction is hydro-  but globally – to make existing infrastructure
                         gen-ready,” stated Enbridge’s chief sustainability  hydrogen-ready.
                         officer, Pete Sheffield.              On the demand side, the International
                           In the US, Dominion Energy and Sem-  Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that for the
                         pra Energy are among those that are starting  world to reach net-zero emissions by 2050,   Pipeline
                         to experiment with hydrogen. This week, a  global hydrogen use needs to expand to more
                         Dominion spokesperson, Aaron Ruby, told  than 200mn tonnes in 2030 from less than 90mn   operators – oil
                         Reuters that his company was testing a 5%  tonnes in 2020. Given how vocal various coun-  as well as
                         hydrogen blend in a training facility in Utah  tries and other players are about their preference
                         and had also recently proposed a similar  for cleaner – and therefore costlier – forms of   gas – have the
                         pilot in North Carolina. Meanwhile, Sempra’s  hydrogen, growing hydrogen use to this level
                         Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) utility is  poses a considerable challenge.  advantage of
                         working on pilot programmes to test the fuel   Ultimately, the costs of blue and green hydro-
                         in its pipelines and see how a blend with nat-  gen are anticipated to come down, eventually   being able to
                         ural gas affects its pipes, appliances and other  becoming cost-competitive with less clean ver-  leverage existing
                         equipment.                           sions. But there are other challenges involved
                           The first project would blend hydrogen in  too, such as bringing the industry to the point   infrastructure
                         a mostly residential area where SoCalGas can  where hydrogen can be burned as a viable fuel
                         isolate it from the rest of its distribution system,  rather than just as a small percentage of a natural  and rights of way.
                         Reuters cited SoCalGas’ chief environmental  gas blend.
                         officer, Jawaad Malik, as saying.     Nonetheless, the small steps being taken now
                           The news service also cited General Electric’s  by pipeline operators in North America illus-
                         emergent technologies director for decarbon-  trate the fact that the industry is serious about at
                         isation, Jeff Goldmeer, as saying that almost  least testing the viability of hydrogen in existing
                         every gas turbine used to produce power can  systems. The next steps after this could prove to
                         burn fuels containing about 5-10% hydrogen. If  be more complicated.™

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