Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Supreme Court sides with PennEast

       Pipeline on land acquisition

        US NORTHEAST     THE US Supreme Court has ruled that federally  northern Pennsylvania to New Jersey. The pro-
                         approved gas pipeline projects can seize state-  ject, which is being developed by a consortium
                         owned land required for national infrastructure.  of five companies, still needs to secure state-level
                         The ruling came in the case of PennEast Pipe-  permits, but given New Jersey’s opposition, this
                         line vs the State of New Jersey, and provided a  could prove challenging.
                         boost to PennEast’s planned 116-mile (187-km)   Indeed, a Bloomberg Intelligence analyst,
                         gas pipeline project, which is set to pass through  Brandon Barnes, was quoted as saying the pro-
                         Pennsylvania and New Jersey.         ject still had “low odds”. This is despite the deci-
                           The 5-4 ruling, issued on June 29, asserted  sion being “certainly a material win for pipes
                         federal power to acquire land for national infra-  generally”, as gas projects could potentially face
                         structure projects, while New Jersey’s argument  similar obstacles in the future. Nonetheless,
                         that sovereign immunity shielded the state from  Bloomberg cited Barnes as saying the ruling was
                         being taken to court by PennEast was rejected.  hardly a game-changer for pipelines because
                         The ruling received cross-party support among  there are many ways they can still be delayed,
                         the judges, with both Democrat and Republican  or cancelled outright. “At least pipelines can
                         judges also dissenting.              still count on being able to use eminent domain
                           Both the administrations of former US Pres-  to acquire the land rights necessary to build a
                         ident Donald Trump and current President Joe  pipeline no matter which state they are going
                         Biden have supported PennEast. However, 19  through,” he said.
                         states had urged the Supreme Court to rule the   A separate legal challenge involving New Jer-
                         other way and side with New Jersey in the case.  sey is pending in a federal appeals court in Wash-
                           The PennEast pipeline would carry up to 1bn  ington, DC, so the litigation over PennEast is not
                         cubic feet (28.3mn cubic metres) per day from  over yet.™


       ConocoPhillips cuts capex

       despite oil price increase

        US               CONOCOPHILLIPS, the US’ largest independ-  repurchases for the year by $1bn, bringing its
                         ent oil producer, has reduced its capital expend-  total planned distributions for the year to around
                         iture guidance for 2021 by $200mn to $5.3bn  $6bn, or 7% of current market capitalisation.
                         from $5.5bn previously. The cut comes despite  This is in line with the company’s pledge to return
                         higher crude prices, which are up 45% since  30% of cash from operations to shareholders.
                         the start of 2021 and strengthened further still   ConocoPhillips also said it hoped to sell
                         on July 1 as OPEC+ met to discuss a proposed  $2-3bn of assets by the end of 2022.
                         reduction in its supply cuts.          “We believe we’re entering a constructive
                           The company also said in a June 30 inves-  environment for the business, but we also rec-
                         tor update that it expected its adjusted operat-  ognise that we’re in a period of evolving energy
                         ing costs to be $100mn lower at $6.1bn, citing  transition,” stated ConocoPhillips’ chairman and
                         “stronger-than-projected business execution”.  CEO, Ryan Lance. “ConocoPhillips is meeting
                           Beyond this year, ConocoPhillips said it  this moment with a very compelling plan that
                         anticipated its capex to average about $7bn per  is resilient and durable, but also flexible. We
                         year over the next 10 years, with about 3% com-  can and will adapt as the future plays out, all
                         pounded annual production growth.    while remaining focused on delivering superior
                           Additionally, the company announced that  returns to shareholders through cycles,” he said.
                         it had increased its expected savings from its   “We have embraced a new imperative for the
                         $10bn acquisition of Permian Basin-focused  business that we call the Triple Mandate,” Lance
                         Concho Resources, which closed in January.  continued. “We want to play a valued role in
                         ConocoPhillips now anticipates synergies and  whatever pathway the energy transition takes by
                         savings related to the acquisition to reach $1bn  investing in the lowest cost of supply barrels, deliv-
                         per year.                            ering competitive returns of and on capital, and
                           The producer is also raising its planned share  achieving our net-zero emissions ambition.”™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2021
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