Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       Delfin requests delay to FLNG plan

        GULF OF MEXICO   US-BASED Delfin LNG has asked federal energy  which Delfin says bolsters its chances of entering
                         regulators for more time, until September 2022,  into long-term LNG offtake contracts.
                         to bring the onshore facilities related to its pro-  The company added in its FERC filing that it
                         posed floating LNG (FLNG) export project off   was “confident that it will secure commercialisa-
                         the coast of Louisiana into service. This would  tion in the coming year”.
                         be the third extension for the project, which had   Delfin’s FLNG project would use existing off-
                         initially been authorised to enter service by Sep-  shore pipelines to supply gas to up to four vessels
                         tember 2019.                         that could produce up to 13mn tonnes per year
       Delfin is the only FLNG   Delfin asked for its first extension in June  (tpy) of LNG. The plan is one of several proposed
       project proposed for the   2019, and had requested to have until March  for the US Gulf Coast, but is the only offshore
       Gulf Coast region, while   2023 to complete the project. However, the US  project among the proposals.
       the other LNG schemes   Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)   The company’s request for a further exten-
       are located onshore.  only gave Delfin a one-year extension, until Sep-  sion comes as momentum appears to be picking
                         tember 2020.                         up for some of the other LNG projects in the
                           Delfin then succeeded in receiving another  region that have yet to reach the final investment
                         one-year extension in June 2020, giving it until  decision (FID) stage. For example, Tellurian
                         September 2021 to finish the project. However,  announced this week that it had signed a long-
                         delays have continued to plague Delfin’s plans.  term lease with the Lake Charles Harbor and
                         This time, when asking for this third extension,  Terminal District in Louisiana for the site of its
                         the company talked up what it believes to be  proposed Driftwood LNG terminal. Signing the
                         improved prospects for its project. It cited the  lease had recently been identified by Tellurian’s
                         global recovery from the coronavirus (COVID-  executive chairman, Charif Souki, as one of the
                         19) pandemic and said that spot and short-term  key remaining steps the company had to take
                         markets for LNG had “significantly improved”,  prior to reaching an FID on Driftwood.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Southwestern commits to RSG in Appalachia

        APPALACHIA       SOUTHWESTERN Energy announced last  demonstrate that it is taking steps to reduce the
                         week that it had struck a deal with Project  environmental impact of its operations. Emis-
                         Canary to certify all of its Appalachian Basin  sions monitoring is a key component of these
                         shale gas output as being responsibly sourced.  efforts, and Project Canary has found its services
                           The company said it would obtain the respon-  increasingly in demand among industry players.
                         sible sourced gas (RSG) certification using   Indeed, another high-profile shale gas player,
                         Project Canary’s TrustWell standards and con-  Chesapeake Energy, partnered with Project
                         tinuous emissions monitoring. Project Canary  Canary in April to certify some of its output from
                         will install its Canary X continuous emissions  the Marcellus shale – in the Appalachian Basin
                         monitoring devices at all of Southwestern’s  – and the Haynesville play in Louisiana as being
                         Appalachian well pad locations, with the stand-  responsibly sourced.
                         ards being applied to existing and new wells   It is not producers alone that are turning to
                         alike.                               Project Canary to obtain RSG certifications,
                           This builds on an existing partnership South-  though. In May, Berkshire Hathaway Energy
                         western has with Project Canary, which began in  (BHE) Compression Services announced that its
                         2017 and is anticipated to increase the produc-  CleanMachine compressor package had received
                         er’s certified gross output to over 3bn cubic feet  the first-ever equipment-specific TrustWell RSG
                         (85mn cubic metres) per day. Southwestern has  certification for midstream equipment.
                         since completed six separate RSG sales agree-  “The differentiated market for RSG  is
                         ments since it had its first wells certified in 2017.  expanding quickly and independent, third-
                         Under the latest agreement, the certification pro-  party certification ensures that the demands of
                         cess is set to begin in July 2021 and substantially  global end-users, with heightened sustainability
                         all certifications are anticipated to be completed  demands, will be met and exceeded through the
                         by early 2022.                       energy transition, where RSG will play a central
                           News of the agreement comes as the US  role,” stated Project Canary’s co-founder and
                         oil and gas industry increasingly tries  to  CEO, Chris Romer, last week.™

       Week 26   01•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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