Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       Chemicals today announced that a subsidiary   grow and become a fully-electric hydraulic   HHP electric motors, two variable frequency
       of Enterprise has acquired a wholly owned   fracturing services provider. US Well Services   drives, a power transformer and other
       subsidiary of NOVA Chemicals, which   issued $125.5mn of 16.0% convertible senior   components that combine to create a self-
       operates an ethylene storage business and   secured (third lien) PIK Notes due June   contained power centre. The company expects
       trading hub in Mont Belvieu, Texas. NOVA   2026 in a private placement to institutional   to begin taking delivery of the Power Cubes in
       Chemicals, one of the largest merchant   investors. In connection with the private   the third quarter of 2021.
       ethylene producers and marketers on the   placement, the company sold $64.0mn of   “We are proud to be able to provide the
       US Gulf Coast, will be a long-term storage   notes convertible into US Well Services   state-of-the-art Power Cubes on which US
       customer in the Enterprise system.  Class A common stock and $22.5mn of   Well Services’ Clean Fleet® Technology relies,”
         “The acquisition, which gives Enterprise   notes convertible into licenses to ProFrac   said Wade Stockstill, CEO of Industrial
       ownership of the largest ethylene market   Manufacturing, to build three hydraulic   Service Solutions. “We look forward to
       hub in Texas since it was established in 2001,   fracturing fleets using the company’s Clean   continuing our long-term partnership with
       will complement Enterprise’s own growing   Fleet® technology. US Well Services has also   US Well Services and working with their
       ethylene network in the region,” said Chris   taken substantial steps towards simplifying   team to develop patented technology that is
       D’Anna, senior vice president, Petrochemicals   the company’s capital structure. The company   revolutionizing the industry through better
       of Enterprise’s general partner. “The combined   exchanged $39.0mn of its Series A redeemable   performance and reduced emissions.”
       system offers multiple benefits for producers,   convertible preferred stock for $39.0mn   “US Well Services is pleased to continue
       consumers and traders, such as increased   of newly issued notes convertible into US   our long-standing partnership with
       physical connectivity, greater market liquidity   Well Services Class A Common Stock.   AmeriMex as we build and deploy the next
       and pricing transparency, as well as improved   Additionally, the company expects to amend   generation of Clean Fleet® technology,”
       access to Enterprise’s ethylene midstream   the Certificate of Designations for its Series B   commented Joel Broussard, the Company’s
       services, including our export terminal and   redeemable convertible preferred stock, which   President and CEO. “We have used AmeriMex
       growing Gulf Coast pipeline system.”  would allow US Well Services to convert all   electric motors on our Clean Fleets since
         “This transaction provides the best   outstanding shares of the Series B. Following   we deployed the industry’s first all-electric
       long-term solution for the Mont Belvieu   entry of the final judgment by the Superior   fracturing fleet in 2014. These Power Cubes
       ethylene storage business and trading hub,   Court of Delaware in the Smart Sand v. US   represent innovative technology that enables
       allowing NOVA to focus on our core business   Well Services litigation awarding Smart Sand   us to maintain our competitive advantage and
       of ethylene and polyethylene production,   approximately $52mn, the company agreed   continue to deliver best-in-class results for our
       including the safe and successful completion   to settle the case for $35.0mn in cash and the   customers.”
       of our world-class Advanced SCLAIRTECH   entry into an agreement to provide Smart   US WELL SERVICES, June 30, 2021
       technology facility in Ontario that will deliver   Sand certain rights of first refusal related to
       recycle ready resins for sustainable packaging   the supply of frack sand. Proceeds from the
       solutions,” stated John Thayer, senior vice   private placement will be used to fund the   ENERGY TRANSITION
       president sales and marketing for NOVA   cash portion of the Settlement and to fund
       Chemicals.                          capital expenditures related to four Nyx Clean   Halliburton Labs selects
       ENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS AND    Fleets® and place deposits on critical items
       NOVA CHEMICALS, July 01, 2021       for two additional Nyx Clean Fleets®, as well   four companies for clean
                                           as for general corporate purposes. These
                                           capital expenditures are expected to enable the   energy accelerator
       SERVICES                            company to grow its asset portfolio up to 11
                                           all-electric fleets representing approximately   Halliburton Labs today announced its second
       US Well Services issues             593,500 hydraulic horsepower.        cohort, which joins four companies already
                                                                                participating in its collaborative environment
                                           US WELL SERVICES, June 28, 2021
       $125.5mn convertible                US Well Services                     to advance and scale cleaner, affordable
                                                                                energy. Alumina Energy, Ionada, Parasanti,
       senior secured PIK notes,           announces commitment                 and SurgePower Materials will receive access
                                                                                to a broad range of industrial capabilities,
       executes licence agreement          to purchase 120 electric             technical expertise, and mentorship to scale
                                                                                their respective businesses.
       with ProFrac Manufacturing          motors totalling 360,000             with this group of early-stage, clean
                                                                                  “We are excited to support and collaborate
       and finalises amendment to          HHP                                  energy companies as they continue their
                                                                                commercialisation journey,” said Dale Winger,
       senior secured term loan            US Well Services today announced it has   managing director of Halliburton Labs.
                                                                                “Each has demonstrated a commitment to
       US Well Services today announced it has   committed to purchasing 60 Power Cubes   accelerating their technologies, and we are
       entered into a series of strategic transactions   from AmeriMex Motor & Controls, a   eager to help them innovate, develop and scale
       that position the company to execute on   subsidiary of Industrial Service Solutions.   each company.”
       its previously announced strategic plan to   Each patented Power Cube contains two 3,000   HALLIBURTON LABS, July 01, 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2021
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