Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       MIDSTREAM                           Alberta thermal units to natural gas. We thank   Sequent moves gas to markets through
                                           TransAlta for their partnership in the Pioneer   transportation and storage agreements on
       Tidewater announces                 Pipeline project.”                   strategically positioned assets, including along
                                                                                Williams’ Transco system. The company
                                           TIDEWATER MIDSTREAM AND
       successful closing of               INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSALTA, June 30,   focuses on asset management and the
                                                                                wholesale marketing, trading, storage and
       the Pioneer Pipeline sale           Williams Completes                   transportation of natural gas for a diverse set
                                                                                of natural gas utilities and producers.
       to ATCO and results of              acquisition of Sequent               WILLIAMS, July 01, 2021
       Tidewater’s annual general          Energy Management                    Midstream Texas Operating

       and special meeting                 Williams today announced it has completed   to build transload facility on

       Tidewater Midstream and Infrastructure,   its acquisition of Sequent Energy Management   Kansas City Southern Line
       together with its partner TransAlta, is pleased   and Sequent Energy Canada from Southern
       to announce that it has closed its previously   Company Gas. The acquisition, announced   in Corpus Christi, Texas for
       announced sale of the Pioneer Pipeline to   in May, accelerates Williams’ natural gas
       ATCO Gas and Pipelines for gross proceeds   pipeline and storage optimisation and   export of refined products
       of $255 million. Tidewater received net cash   marketing growth and increases Williams’
       proceeds of CAD135mn which includes: the   gas pipeline marketing footprint to over 8   into Mexico
       sale of certain ancillary assets to TransAlta   bcf/d, with expansions into new markets to
       that closed concurrently with the Pioneer   reach incremental gas-fired power generation,   Kansas City Southern (KCS) and Midstream
       Transaction; and, cash consideration for   liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and   Texas Operating (MTO) today announced a
       certain budgeted restoration work completed   future renewable natural gas (RNG) and other   long-term commercial agreement to provide
       by Tidewater at TransAlta’s cost. The Pioneer   emerging opportunities.  truck-to-rail transloading services for
       Pipeline will be integrated into the Nova   “The addition of Sequent Energy   petroleum and petrochemicals from Corpus
       Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) and ATCO   Management, including its talented workforce   Christi, Texas into Mexico. Operations are
       Alberta integrated natural gas transmission   and industry leading platform, complements   expected to begin in fourth quarter 2021.
       systems to provide reliable natural gas   the current geographic footprint of our   “KCS is looking forward to working with
       supply to TransAlta’s power generating units   core pipeline transportation and storage   MTO to expand infrastructure to supply
       at Sundance and Keephills. Tidewater will   business,” said Alan Armstrong, president   petroleum products to Mexico out of Corpus
       use the proceeds from this disposition to   and chief executive officer of Williams. “As we   Christi. This new transload is strategically
       accelerate its deleveraging plan and to repay   continue to take a leadership role towards a   close to supply locations and to the border for
       debt under its credit facility.     clean energy future, Williams sees significant   expedient access to end markets,” said KCS
         “The sale of the Pioneer Pipeline and   opportunity to better source and deliver   vice president energy and chemical products
       its integration into NGTL’s and ATCO’s   responsibly produced, low carbon supplies to   Ginger Adamiak.
       integrated natural gas transmission systems is   domestic natural gas and international LNG   “This service expansion offers our
       a major milestone for Tidewater in achieving   customers. Sequent’s operational footprint in   customers proven transportation to an
       its twelve-month leverage target of 3.0-  the US and Canada provides Williams with   attractive market. We are delighted to link
       3.5x Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA,” said Joel   an enhanced North American perspective of   with MTO’s Ingleside terminal to offer
       MacLeod, Chairman and CEO of Tidewater,   natural gas markets, in turn bolstering the   seamless marine, truck and rail movements,”
       “The Pioneer Pipeline was a transformational   company’s natural gas focused strategy, and   said David Vattimo, CEO of MTO.
       project for Tidewater. We are pleased to have   I’m excited to welcome the Sequent employees   On property leased from KCS, MTO will
       played a role in converting TransAlta’s existing   to the Williams family.”  construct a transload facility, including siding
                                                                                tracks and facilities for loading and staging of
                                                                                200 rail cars per month in the initial phase.
                                                                                The site is readily expandable to eventually
                                                                                handle over 500 rail cars a month.
                                                                                KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN AND MIDSTREAM
                                                                                TEXAS OPERATING, June 29, 2021


                                                                                Enterprise acquires
                                                                                ethylene storage business

                                                                                from NOVA Chemicals

                                                                                Enterprise Products Partners and NOVA

       Week 26   01•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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