Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Major transactions
                                                                                                  involving conventional
                                                                                                  Permian acreage are
                                                                                                  comparatively unusual.

       Chevron reportedly selling $1bn

       of conventional Permian assets

        PERMIAN BASIN    SUPER-MAJOR Chevron is selling two sets  non-core acreage at higher valuations than such
                         of conventional oil and gas assets in the Per-  assets would have been able to achieve last year.
                         mian Basin, Reuters reported this week citing  Indeed, a growing number of assets are up for
                         sources familiar with the matter. According to  sale or have already changed hands in the Per-
                         the sources, the assets are valued at more than  mian – though unconventional assets account
                         $1bn combined, with one noting they could  for the majority of these transactions. Accord-
                         fetch up to $1.2bn depending on the strength of  ing to a separate Reuters report from mid-June,
                         oil futures.                         Royal Dutch Shell is considering selling some or
                           The assets are comprised of $879mn worth  all of its Permian assets, which could be worth
                         of conventional fields for which Chevron has  more than $10bn in total.
                         retained an investment bank to market, plus   Occidental has also recently struck a deal to   A growing number
                         more than $200mn of assets available for sale  sell some of its non-core Permian properties
                         elsewhere in the basin.              to an affiliate of private equity-backed Colgate   of assets are up
                           The assets are operated by Chevron and Occi-  Energy Partners III for $508mn.
                         dental Petroleum – both of which had conven-  Despite higher interest in shale assets, espe-  for sale or have
                         tional operations in the Permian long before it  cially in a region as prolific as the Permian,
                         emerged as a shale region. They are reported to  interest in Chevron’s conventional properties  already changed
                         span 57,000 net acres (231 square km), with pro-  in the basin cannot be ruled out. Indeed, var-  hands in the
                         duction of about 10,100 barrels of oil equivalent  ious producers specialise in buying mature
                         per day (boepd). According to Reuters, initial  assets and maximising the recovery from   Permian.
                         bid proposals had been planned for June 10, with  them.
                         a July 1 sale date targeted for the larger package.   The reported push by Chevron to offload
                         The news service did not specify whether there  non-core assets follows a shareholder vote in
                         had been any interest in the assets.  May that went 61% in favour of a proposal to
                           Chevron has been evaluating other potential  make the super-major cut its Scope 3 emis-
                         asset sales in the Permian and elsewhere, one  sions – those resulting from use of its products
                         of Reuters’ sources said, and could sell off older  by customers. Although the proposal does not
                         assets over the remainder of the year as it seeks  require Chevron to set a target for how much it
                         to step up spending on the energy transition.  needs to cut such emissions or by when, it illus-
                         Indeed, the super-major has previously said that  trates the mounting pressure on the company to
                         it was considering how to optimise its portfolio.  decarbonise. Against that backdrop, it comes as
                           The report comes as stronger oil prices  no surprise that selling non-core assets may look
                         increasingly encourage producers to sell  increasingly appealing.™

       Week 26   01•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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