Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Massachusetts lawsuit alleging ExxonMobil

       climate deceit to proceed

        US               EXXONMOBIL’S attempt to have a lawsuit  seats on Texas-based ExxonMobil’s 12-member
                         related to climate change and brought by the  board. The same day shareholders voted to tell
                         state of Massachusetts dismissed has been  California-based rival Chevron to slash emis-
                         denied. The state has accused the super-major of  sions, even those produced by customers who
                         misrepresenting the risks and impacts of climate  buy its gasoline.
                         change to investors and customers.     And at about the same time, a court in the
                           The lawsuit was launched in 2019 by Mas-  Netherlands ordered Royal Dutch Shell to cut
                         sachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey.  carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions sharply, by a
                         ExxonMobil unsuccessfully claimed that  net of 45% by 2030 compared with 2019 levels –   The ruling
                         its statements about the impact of climate  that is, within just nine years. Shell is appealing
                         change amounted to protected speech on  against the order.                  is important
                         public  policy  matters  because  they  were   Healey, a Democrat, welcomed the Massa-
                         opinions.                            chusetts rulings as a “significant step forward   because oil
                           The latest ruling was given by Associate Jus-  for my office’s work to hold Exxon accountable
                         tice Karen Green in Boston. “At this stage, the  for lying to Massachusetts consumers about the   companies are
                         Commonwealth’s allegations are sufficient to  climate harms of using its fossil fuel products   increasingly
                         state a claim that Exxon was engaged in trade or  and to Massachusetts investors about the nega-
                         commerce when it made the allegedly deceptive  tive impact of climate change on the value of its   under pressure
                         statements to Massachusetts investors,” the judge  business.”
                         wrote.                                 Healey’s lawsuit alleges that ExxonMobil   on the issue of
                           “Climate change indisputably is a topic  minimised the climate impact of its fossil fuel
                         that has attracted government attention,” the  products and its own business risk to boost its   climate change.
                         judge continued. “It is apparent from the con-  profits and investments. ExxonMobil said it was
                         text in which they were made that many Exxon  only telling customers and shareholders about
                         statements referenced in the complaint are not  the advantages of its products.
                         protected.”                            Following Green’s ruling, ExxonMobil said
                           The ruling is important because oil compa-  that it is considering its legal options. “This case
                         nies are increasingly under pressure on the issue  lacks merit and we look forward to defending the
                         of climate change, both in North America and  company,” said ExxonMobil spokesman Casey
                         Europe. In late May, nominees selected by an  Norton. “We are reviewing the court’s opinion
                         environmental activist hedge fund gained three  and considering next steps.”™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2021
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