Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 13 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Chevron reportedly eyeing Shell’s

       Pacific Northwest refinery

        WASHINGTON       SUPER-MAJOR  Chevron has reportedly    Shell, for its part, has been reducing its expo-
        STATE            emerged as the leading contender to buy a refin-  sure to refining. In October 2020 the European
                         ery in the US Pacific Northwest that is owned by  super-major said it would shrink its global refin-
                         Royal Dutch Shell. This was reported by Reuters,  ing portfolio to six sites from 14. It permanently
                         which cited three sources familiar with the mat-  closed its 211,146 bpd refinery in Convent,
                         ter on March 27 as saying that Chevron was first  Louisiana, in December, and that plant is still
                         in line to buy the Puget Sound refinery in Ana-  up for sale. It has been trying to sell its 145,000
                         cortes, Washington State.            bpd Puget Sound refinery for at least a year, with
                           The 145,000 barrel per day (bpd) Puget Sound  reports that the facility was for sale emerging in
                         plant supplies fuel markets in the Northwest and  January 2020.
                         competes with plants owned by BP, Marathon   Thus Shell’s efforts to sell the refinery pre-date
                         Petroleum and Phillips 66. Neither Chevron nor  the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but it
                         Shell have commented on the matter publicly,  appears likely that the impact of the pandemic
                         and a deal is not guaranteed. Indeed, Reuters  on global demand for refined products last year
                         cited analysts as saying that competing refiners  could have spurred its efforts to shrink its refin-
                         often look at other businesses in order to evaluate  ing footprint.
                         their own operations.                  Additionally, Shell is among the companies
                           Nonetheless, Chevron has been on some-  to have adopted a long-term target of net-zero
                         thing of a spending spree recently, paying $4.1bn  greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which it has
                         for independent producer Noble Energy in 2020  set for 2050. Chevron and fellow US super-ma-
                         and buying a 112,229 bpd Texas refinery for  jor ExxonMobil, meanwhile, have resisted such
                         about $350mn from Brazil’s Petrobras in 2019.  targets so far.™


       ConocoPhillips provides first-quarter update

        US               CONOCOPHILLIPS, the US’ largest independ-  the year. This week it reaffirmed that guidance.
                         ent oil and gas company, released a preliminary   ConocoPhillips said it expected to report
                         update on its upcoming first-quarter results this  first-quarter transaction and restructuring-re-
                         week. The company said it anticipated higher  lated expenses associated with the Concho
                         production during the first quarter than it had  acquisition of around $300mn before tax, as well
                         achieved in the fourth quarter of 2020 thanks to  as losses of roughly $300mn from commodity
                         improved oil prices. However, it also warned of a  hedging positions. It noted that as of the end
                         profit hit worth roughly $600mn as a result of its  of the first quarter, on March 31, it had settled
       ConocoPhillips expects   recent acquisition of Concho Resources, as well  all oil and gas hedging positions acquired from
       production to increase   as related commodity price hedges.  Concho.
       sequentially despite   Houston-based ConocoPhillips expects to   Reuters reported that ConocoPhillips’ fore-
       disruptions caused by   achieve production of 1.47-1.49mn barrels of  cast signals trouble for the company and oth-
       Winter Storm Uri in   oil equivalent per day (boepd). The figure does  ers that had hedged oil output at below market
       February.         not include the company’s operations in Libya,  prices. The news service cited analysts as saying
                         which are only stabilising now after being dis-  that unwinding the hedging contracts would
                         rupted by the North African country’s civil war  translate into hits to earnings for some shale
                         over the last few years. This marks an increase  producers.
                         on the 1.1mn boepd – excluding Libya – that   It also cited analysts from the Royal Bank
                         ConocoPhillips produced in the fourth quarter  of Canada as saying the first-quarter outlook
                         of 2020.                             showed that ConocoPhillips had received strong
                           The first-quarter estimate includes roughly  prices for its oil and gas, and had exceeded expec-
                         50,000 boepd of unplanned weather impacts  tations for operating costs and capital outlays.
                         stemming from Winter Storm Uri in February.  The results are better than expected, but
                           The company said when it released its  ConocoPhillips  has  previously  said  that
                         fourth-quarter results in February that it would  stronger oil prices will not cause it to ramp up
                         keep production roughly flat year on year in  output anytime soon. Instead, ConocoPhillips’
                         2021 at around 1.5mn boepd, while setting a  CEO, Ryan Lance, has urged shale producers to
                         capital expenditure budget of about $5.5bn for  maintain discipline.™

       Week 13   01•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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