Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 13 2021
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       NEXT Carbon Solutions, is developing one of   NextDecade demonstrates the economic   carbon capture
       the largest CCS projects in North America at   and operational viability of CCS to deliver
       Rio Grande LNG. NEXT Carbon Solutions’   carbon reduction,” said Pratima Rangarajan,   Baker Hughes announced it has entered into a
       CCS project at Rio Grande LNG is expected   OGCI Climate Investments’ Chief Executive   global exclusive licensing agreement with SRI
       to enable the capture and permanent geologic   Officer. “We believe in NextDecade’s vision   International to use SRI’s innovative Mixed-
       storage of more than fivemn tonnes of CO2   of delivering the lowest end-to-end emission   Salt Process (MSP) for CO2 capture. SRI has
       per year.                           LNG possible from the Permian and Eagle   received support from the US Department
         “We are pleased to welcome OGCI Climate   Ford basins.”                of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy (FE) and
       Investments as a NextDecade investor,” said   NEXTDECADE, March 29, 2021  National Energy Technology Laboratory
       Matt Schatzman, NextDecade’s Chairman                                    (NETL) in developing its MSP technology.
       and Chief Executive Officer. “We share a                                 The agreement with SRI follows Baker
       vision of providing the world access to cleaner   ENERGY TRANSITION      Hughes’ acquisition of Compact Carbon
       energy. This capital will enable the further                             Capture announced in November 2020, and
       advancement of NextDecade’s proprietary   Baker Hughes acquires          further expands and complements its CCUS
       processes to lower the cost of utilising                                 (carbon capture, utilisation, and storage) for
       CCS technology and the realization of the   exclusive license from SRI   applications such as the treatment of flue gases
       transformative and impactful contributions                               from fossil-fuelled power plants, gas turbines,
       that we expect to make to the global energy   International for Mixed Salt   industrial applications, and the cement
       industry and the quest toward a net-zero                                 industry.
       future.”                            Process technology for               BAKER HUGHES, March 29, 2021
         “Through its work at Rio Grande LNG,

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 13   01•April•2021
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