Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 13 2021
P. 13

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       NextDecade partnering with Occidental

       on CO2 offtake, storage

        TEXAS            NEXTDECADE announced last week that it  underground geologic formation in the Rio
                         had signed a term sheet with Oxy Low Carbon  Grande Valley.
                         Ventures (OLCV), a subsidiary of Occidental   The preliminary partnership comes as
                         Petroleum, for the offtake and storage of carbon  Occidental attempts to expand its own carbon
                         dioxide (CO2) from the planned Rio Grande  business. The producer has long used CO2 in
                         LNG project in Texas.                enhanced oil recovery (EOR), and is now turn-
                           Houston-based NextDecade anticipates  ing its attention to CCS. The company is also
                         reaching a final investment decision (FID) on at  in the process of developing the world’s largest
                         least two trains at Rio Grande LNG, which will  direct air capture (DAC) plant for capturing CO2
                         be located at the Port of Brownsville, this year.  in the Permian Basin.
                           The company has sought to position Rio   “OLCV’s expertise and reliability comple-
                         Grande as a project that will seek to be as envi-  ment the transformative and impactful contri-
                         ronmentally friendly as possible. In July 2020,  butions our NEXT Carbon Solutions business
                         it announced that it had redesigned the termi-  is making to the global energy industry, and
                         nal to produce 27mn tonnes per year (tpy) of  in particular the proprietary processes we are
                         LNG from five trains instead of six as previously  advancing to lower the cost of utilising CCS
                         planned, resulting in roughly 21% lower CO2  technology,” commented NextDecade’s chair-
                         equivalent (CO2e) emissions. In October, it  man and CEO, Matt Schatzman.
                         went further, saying it had developed proprietary   “Signing this agreement is an important
                         processes that would reduce Rio Grande’s emis-  milestone in scaling up OLCV’s pure seques-
                         sions by 90%, and adding that it was working on  tration business and providing services to help   The company has
                         addressing the remaining 10% in a bid to achieve  others achieve their net-zero goals,” added Occi-
                         carbon neutrality with the project.  dental’s president of operations, US onshore   sought to position
                           In mid-March this year, NextDecade  resources and carbon management, Richard
                         announced that it had formed a new subsidi-  Jackson. “The CO2 sequestration facility pro-  Rio Grande as a
                         ary, NEXT Carbon Solutions, for the purpose of  posed for South Texas is a great example of the
                         developing a carbon capture and storage (CCS)  many sequestration hubs that OLCV plans to  project that will
                         project at Rio Grande LNG. The subsidiary will  develop across the United States, and eventually   seek to be as
                         also work on further initiatives, including gen-  around the globe.”
                         erating carbon offsets that other companies   Despite NextDecade’s efforts to position   environmentally
                         can use as part of their own efforts to minimise  itself as a greener LNG exporter, not everyone
                         emissions.                           has viewed the company’s plans favourably. In   friendly as
                           NEXT anticipates that building the CCS pro-  November, France’s Engie pulled out of talks
                         ject at the same time as the LNG terminal will  with NextDecade over a supply deal. The fail-  possible.
                         result in 60-80% lower capital costs than retrofit-  ure of the talks, for a deal estimated to be worth
                         ting an existing LNG facility. An FID on the CCS  $7bn, followed pressure from the French gov-
                         project is expected to come shortly after Next-  ernment, which has banned hydraulic fracturing
                         Decade sanctions the first trains at Rio Grande.  and did not want a domestic company importing
                           NextDecade and OLCV still need to nego-  gas that had been produced elsewhere using the
                         tiate a CO2 offtake agreement and a seques-  technique.
                         tration and monitoring agreement. If these are   However, NextDecade will be hoping that
                         finalised, OLCV will offtake and transport CO2  as its CCS plans advance, this will attract other
                         from Rio Grande LNG for sequestration in an  buyers.™

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