Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 13 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Cheniere receives go-ahead for

       Corpus Christi Train 3 start-up

        TEXAS            US LNG exporter Cheniere Energy has received  executives said they would need to be sure of
                         permission from the US Federal Energy Regula-  attractive returns and a certain amount of con-
                         tory Commission (FERC) to bring the third train  tracted volumes – both for the expansion project
                         at its Corpus Christi LNG export terminal on the  and the company’s entire portfolio – before mak-
                         Texas Gulf Coast into commercial service.  ing a final investment decision (FID). That said,
                           The train has already been operating in test  Cheniere’s CEO, Jack Fusco, said he expected
                         mode for months.                     Stage 3 at Corpus Christi to be one of the most
                           Each train at the facility – which is the only  economic US LNG projects to date, suggesting
                         greenfield liquefaction terminal to be built in the  he is confident that the project will be competi-
                         US to date and did not involve an existing import  tive enough to go ahead.
                         plant being converted to exports – has a capacity   Houston-based Cheniere remains the largest
                         of 5mn tonnes per year (tpy). However, the com-  US exporter of LNG, having been the first in the
                         pany is able to boost each train’s capacity through  Lower 48 states to begin exports of the super-
                         debottlenecking.                     chilled fuel in 2016.
                           Cheniere has also proposed a new phase of   The company confirmed this week that it
                         expansion at Corpus Christi that would involve  has reached substantial completion at Corpus
                         up to seven midscale liquefaction trains with a  Christi Train 3. Engineering, procurement and
                         combined capacity of around 10mn tpy. This  construction (EPC) contractor Bechtel has now
                         would mark a shift away from Cheniere’s model  handed over control of Train 3 to Cheniere.
                         at both the Sabine Pass and Corpus Christi   This comes as Cheniere continues to work
                         terminals. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  on Train 6 at the Sabine Pass export terminal
                         demic delayed the company’s plans to sanction  in Louisiana. Indeed, Fusco said recently that
                         the Stage 3 expansion. During its recent earn-  he expects the sixth train at Sabine Pass to enter
                         ings call for the fourth quarter of 2020, Cheniere  service by the end of 2021.™
                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Callon sets new ESG targets

        TEXAS            US independent producer Callon Petroleum has  metrics, while the weighting for financial metrics
                         unveiled a new set of environmental, social and  has been increased to 65%. This includes metrics
                         governance (ESG) targets. It is one of a growing  such as leverage, cash return on capital invested,
                         number of US oil and gas companies to do so.  total corporate cash margin and relative total
                           The company also announced that it would  shareholder return compared to a broader
                         factor its ESG targets into its annual incentive  energy index, Callon said.
                         compensation programme for 2021.       A new quantitative ESG category has also
                           Under the new targets, Callon will aim to  been introduced, and will be weighted at 15%. It
                         reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions  will focus on flaring, safety and spills and a qual-
                         intensity by 40-50% by 2025 compared with  itative assessment tied to “sustained progress”
                         2019 levels. It will also target the elimination  towards the company’s GHG reduction targets.
                         of all routine field gas flaring, and a reduction   “Our corporate goals of meaningful free cash
                         in total gas flared to below 2% of its output by  flow generation, absolute debt reduction and
                         2025.                                returns on capital are reflected in the compen-
                           The new executive compensation pro-  sation criteria and provide a direct link between
                         gramme is aimed at better aligning with inves-  pay and financial performance that will contrib-
                         tor priorities, the company said. It includes a  ute to improving investor returns,” commented
                         broad reduction in overall compensation, led by  Callon’s chairman of the board of directors,
                         a 17.5% cut in target long-term incentive (LTI)  Richard Flury.
                         value for the CEO. This lowers its total target   Callon’s president and CEO, Joe Gatto, noted
                         compensation by 12.5%, Callon said, adding  that the new flaring and GHG emissions reduc-
                         that there was also a 12.5% reduction in annual  tion targets build on the momentum the com-
                         compensation for directors.          pany created in 2020.
                           The 2021 compensation programme focuses   Callon operates in the Permian Basin and
                         on pay-for-performance, according to the com-  Eagle Ford shale, in West and South Texas
                         pany, with an 80% weighting on quantitative  respectively.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 13   01•April•2021
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