Page 12 - MEOG Week 09 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              people and the administration, especially to   the International Association for Energy
                                           friendly and brotherly countries, including   Economies (IAEE) with its Saudi counterpart
       Iran, Tajikistan to expand          Tajikistan, is very significant and the first   the (SAEE) and KAPSARC.
                                           state visit of the President was to this country,
                                                                                  Alajlan mentioned that despite the global
       oil, gas ties                       where about eight documents were signed,   energy transformations not going according
                                           and the plan is to increase the level of trade
                                                                                to plan, 2021 was a distinguished year for
       The Iranian Minister of Petroleum said that   with Tajikistan to more than 500 million   environmental initiatives, as Saudi Arabia
       the Iran-Tajikistan Energy Working Group   euros.”                       launched the Green Saudi Initiative and
       has been formed, adding that the level of trade   The Minister of Petroleum noted: “The   Middle East Green Initiative as well as joining
       between the two countries would pass 500   highlight of today’s talks with the Minister   the global methane pledge. This is in addition
       million Euros.                      of Energy of Tajikistan concerned export   to considering more solutions such as
         Javad Owji told reporters after a   of petroleum products, technical and   hydrogen and carbon capture and storage.
       Wednesday meeting with Tajik Minister of   engineering services, which I promise the   He pointed out that KAPSARC, Saudi
       the Energy and Water Resources Daler Juma:   Ministry of Petroleum will soon complete   Arabia’s advisory think tank within global
       “This is the first visit of the Tajik Minister of   this capacity. Besides, good discussions were   energy economics and sustainability, in
       Energy to Iran and good talks took place.”  raised regarding training in the energy sector   collaboration with several international
         He added: “Iran’s Ministry of Petroleum   of Tajikistan and the National Iranian Oil   organizations has developed the guide to the
       is ready to discuss export of technical   Company (NIOC) aired its readiness in this   circular carbon economy as a comprehensive
       and engineering services with regard to   regard.”                       framework to tackle climate change, globally
       its capacity and capabilities in the field of   The Minister of Energy and Water   and regionally, which was endorsed by the
       recovery, exploration and operation of oil and   Resources of Tajikistan said: “In the   G20 during the Saudi presidency in 2020,
       gas fields and refineries and at the same time   framework of these visits, we pursue   as a promising solution to manage carbon
       production of petrochemical products; we had  multilateral issues, including cooperation on   emissions and achieve energy security, energy
       good agreements in these areas.”    crude oil exports to Tajikistan and increase   access and reliability.
         The Minister of Petroleum stated: “Export   economic, social and cultural relations   Alajaln added that the chairman of the
       of oil, gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)   between the two countries. Undoubtedly,   Board of Trustees of KAPSARC and Minister
       through pipelines were also negotiated, and   we can bolster cooperation between the two   of Energy Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman, has
       an energy working group was formed between  countries.”                  reiterated the need for a comprehensive policy
       the two countries, which I think will soon lead   SHANA                  that addresses the three priorities: energy
       to agreements in these fields.”                                          security, energy access and reliability, and
         “God willing, Iran will participate in   KAPSARC calls for             finally climate change.
       the development of Tajikistan’s oil and gas                                He assured that the center aims to engage
       fields,” Owji said. “Following the request   knowledge sharing           and cooperate with regional and global
       for reconstruction and modernization of                                  research centers to address global energy
       oil refineries in this country, Iran, relying   “Sharing research, consultancy and policies   challenges, and to present papers and research
       on the capabilities of the National Iranian   is essential to enhance energy transition in   to highlight various opportunities offered by
       Oil Refining and Distribution Company   MENA region, by helping decision-makers   the CCE approach and its 4Rs, as indicated in
       (NIORDC) in the refining industry, will   to make the right decisions,” King Abdullah   the CCE Guide, that could be considered in
       soon send its technical teams to the friendly   Petroleum Studies and Research Center   accordance with national circumstances.
       and brotherly Tajikistan to reach agreements   (KAPSARC) President Fahad Alajlan said   “We make sure we share our tools, models
       on energy, oil, gas and petrochemicals to be   during his opening remarks at the second   and data sets with everyone. This Forum is
       implemented.”                       IAEE MENA Symposium and the fifth Annual  again another one of our important events
         Referring to the improvement and   Derasat Forum.                      that will help in ensuring we share that
       development of energy diplomacy under the   The event was held in Bahrain for two   knowledge with the world,” he said.
       13th administration, he said: “The view of the   days and organized by Derasat along with   The Saudi Association for Energy

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 09   02•March•2022
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