Page 13 - MEOG Week 09 2022
P. 13

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       Economics Chairman Dr. Majid Al-Munif   and it soared the maximum limit to 35.2 riyals   already paid in quarterly dividends, TAQA
       said that regardless of the immediate   on its market debut.             said in a statement on Wednesday to the
       challenges in the global energy systems, the   Crude surged past $113 a barrel   Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, where its
       world is moving toward enhancing energy   Wednesday with investors growing   shares are traded. The payout is pending
       efficiency, developing renewables, electrifying   increasingly fearful about the Ukraine war’s   shareholders’ approval at the company’s
       the transport sector, and the Paris Agreement   impact on global energy supplies.  annual general meeting, which is scheduled
       goals.                                 The conflict in eastern Europe comes with   for March 15.
         He noted that MENA region is more   prices already elevated owing to tight supplies   “Altogether it means that the total dividend
       concerned about transformation, as it has   and a strong recovery in global demand as   payments to shareholders will be Dh5.3bn
       more reserves, and the high production   economies reopen from pandemic-induced   for the financial year 2021. This total exceeds
       potentials of oil and gas, as well as the   lockdowns.                   expected payment outlined in the company’s
       lowest cost of carbon emissions, which   Traders will be keeping a close eye on a   dividend policy with the increase reflecting
       gives advantages over other hydrocarbon-  meeting of OPEC and other major producers,   the strong financial performance in 2021.”
       producing countries.                including Russia, later in the day where they   The move comes as TAQA posted strong
         For his part, Vice President for Knowledge   will discuss whether to ramp up output to   financial results last year amid higher oil
       and Analysis at KAPSARC Dr. Fahad Al-Turki  temper the price rises, which are helping fan   prices. The company’s profit in 2021 more
       stated that renewable energy is expected to   inflation.                 than doubled to Dh6bn as revenue grew 11
       double in MENA region during the next five   Saudi Arabia confirmed its commitment   per cent to Dh46bn.
       years, due to the various projects announced   to the OPEC+ agreement with Russia Sunday,   “TAQA’s proposed dividend payment,
       by the countries of the region, as it can   the official Saudi Press Agency reported.  totalling Dh5.3bn for the full year, speaks
       contribute to the energy transition.   Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman   to the financial strength of the company
         He pointed out that research centres have   made the comments during a conversation   and robust performance for 2021,” Jasim
       the ability to make the region a leader in   with French President Emmanuel Macron   Thabet, TAQA’s group chief executive and
       renewable energy, despite being the main   that also covered the situation in Ukraine and   managing director said. “We continue to
       supplier of oil and gas in the world as the   its impact on the energy markets, SPA said.  meet our dividend policy and our strategic
       region produced 35% of oil and 20% of gas.   “In this regard, His Royal Highness   commitments while maintaining a strong
       Additionally, it can contribute to energy   the Crown Prince affirmed the kingdom’s   balance sheet.”
       transformations as it has the lowest cost of   keenness on the stability and balance of oil   TAQA has operations in a number of
       renewable energy.                   markets and the kingdom’s commitment to   countries including the UAE, Canada, Ghana,
       SAUDI GAZETTE                       the OPEC+ agreement,” the agency added.  India, Iraq, Morocco, Oman, the Netherlands,
                                              While Saudi Arabia is seen as the kingpin   Saudi Arabia, the UK and US. The company
                                           of the original OPEC member states, Russia is   has significant investments in power and
       COMPANIES                           the major player among the 10 other countries   water generation as well as in the oil and gas
                                           that make up OPEC+.                  sector.
       Aramco shares hit record            AFP                                  shareholder in Abu Dhabi’s clean energy
                                                                                  The company is also set to become a
       high                                TAQA proposes $1.4bn                 company Masdar, along with Adnoc and
                                                                                Mubadala Investment Company.
       Saudi energy giant Aramco’s shares rose to a   dividend after strong       It will take a 43 per cent stake in
       record high on Wednesday amid a surge in                                 Masdar’s renewable energy business with
       global oil prices following Russia’s invasion of   performance           Mubadala retaining a 33 per cent share and
       Ukraine.                                                                 Adnoc holding a 24 per cent stake after the
         Aramco’s stock was trading at 42.9 Saudi   Abu Dhabi National Energy Company,   completion of the transaction in the coming
       riyals ($11.4) in Riyadh, according to the   known as TAQA, is recommending that   months.
       Saudi Tadawul market website.       its shareholders approve a special dividend   Meanwhile, TAQA will have a 24 per
         The Gulf kingdom – the world’s top crude   payment of Dh2.2 billion ($598.9m), in   cent stake, Adnoc will hold 43 per cent and
       exporter – has remained the firm’s majority   addition to the final payment of Dh1.2bn as   Mubadala will have 33 per cent in Masdar’s
       shareholder since a December 11, 2019 listing.  the company’s net profit doubled last year   green hydrogen business.
         Aramco had priced its landmark initial   amid higher oil prices.       THE NATIONAL
       public offering at 32 riyals ($8.53) per share   This comes in addition to the Dh1.9bn

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