Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

                                           Grenadier Energy III
       UPSTREAM                                                                 DOWNSTREAM
       Strathcona Resources                announces commitment                 TransAlta completes second
       announces acquisition of            from EnCap Investments to  off-coal conversion –

       Montney Assets                      target acquisitions in the           another major milestone in

       Strathcona Resources is pleased to announce   Lower 48                   its phase out of coal
       it has completed a strategic acquisition of
       Montney assets in the Resthaven area, located   Grenadier Energy III today announced   TransAlta announced today that it has
       directly offsetting and integral with the   the closing of an initial $350mn equity   completed the second of three planned coal-
       company’s existing Montney operations in   commitment in June 2021 from EnCap   to-gas conversions at its Alberta Thermal
       the Kakwa area. The acquired assets include   Investments, a leading provider of growth   power generation facilities near Wabamun,
       2,600 boepd of low-decline production,   capital to the independent sector of the US   Alberta.
       consolidated ownership of gas processing   energy industry.                “The full conversion of Keephills Unit 2
       facilities and infield pipeline infrastructure,   Grenadier, led by chief executive officer   (KH2) from thermal coal to natural gas is
       and additional undeveloped acreage.  Patrick J. Noyes, is an upstream exploration   another significant milestone for TransAlta as
         TD Securities acted as exclusive financial   and production company focused on   it transitions off coal. We are pleased to have
       advisor to Strathcona for the transaction.  acquiring, developing and exploiting assets to   completed another step in our plan towards
       STRATHCONA RESOURCES, July 22, 2021  create significant enterprise value and return   100% clean electricity by end of 2021 in
                                           that value to its stakeholders.      Alberta,” said John Kousinioris, President and
       Earthstone completes                strategy through multiple iterations, most   CEO of TransAlta. “Converting to natural gas
                                             Grenadier has successfully employed this
                                                                                from coal maintains our current generation
       Tracker acquisition and             recently with Grenadier Energy Partners II,   capacity and reduces our CO2 emissions
                                                                                by more than half from approximately 1.04
                                           which sold assets in the Midland Basin to
       updates guidance and                Surge Energy US Holdings for $420mn in   tonnes CO2e per MWh to approximately 0.51
                                                                                tonnes CO2e per MWh in 2021. This not only
                                           March 2021. The divested assets included
       operations                          more than 18,000 net acres and ~9,000 boepd   highlights TransAlta’s commitment to meet
                                                                                Alberta’s need for safe, reliable and low-cost
                                           from a successful horizontal development
       Earthstone Energy today announced that   programme in the Wolfcamp and Spraberry   electricity but also our commitment to meet
       it has completed the previously announced   formations.                  our sustainability goals focused on clean
       acquisition of privately held operated assets   “The Grenadier team has a proven track   electricity generation.”
       located in the Midland Basin from Tracker   record of acquiring high quality assets and   With CAD31.5mn invested in the KH2
       Resource Development III and an affiliate   developing them effectively to build attractive   conversion and another CAD64.7mn for
       and from affiliates of Sequel Energy Group,   businesses of scale,” stated Patrick Noyes,   system upgrades, gas infrastructure and
       which hold well-bore interests in certain of   CEO of Grenadier, “We are excited to again   maintenance projects, the over CAD96mn
       the producing wells operated by Tracker. The   partner with EnCap as we embark on this next  investment in the project was also a significant
       company also updated its 2021 guidance,   adventure together and continue the success   boost to the economy, locally and across
       provided an operational update, and provided   this company has shown over the past 14   Canada. At its peak, nearly 800 additional jobs
       an estimate of mid-year 2021 proved reserves.  years. I am extremely confident in the ability   were created to complete the KH2 conversion.
         The company estimates its oil and gas sales   of our staff to utilise our experience and   The conversion of KH2 to gas is the
       volumes for the second quarter of 2021 to be   leverage new technology to capture the next   Company’s second conversion project
       approximately 2.07 MMBoe or an average   profitable venture as we navigate the energy   following the successful conversion of
       of 22,716 boepd (52% oil, 76% liquids). The   transition.”               Sundance Unit 6 (SD6) in February 2021.
       company also has provided its estimate of   “We are excited to continue our   Both SD6 and KH2 will maintain the same
       mid-year 2021 proved reserves based on SEC   longstanding partnership with Pat Noyes   generator nameplate capacity of 401 MW
       pricing as of June 30, 2021, on a standalone   and Grenadier,” said EnCap Managing   and 395 MW, respectively. Later this year, the
       basis as well as based on NYMEX strip   Partner Doug Swanson, “This newest equity   Company will also complete the conversion of
       pricing as of June 30, 2021 and adjusted for   commitment is a testament to our confidence   Keephills Unit 3.
       closing of the Tracker acquisition. adjusted   in the entire Grenadier team and their   TRANSALTA, July 19, 2021
       for the closing of the tracker acquisition and   strategy.”
       including only proved developed reserves   Additionally, Grenadier today announced
       from the tracker acquisition, the company   the promotion of Kyle Noyes to President and   SERVICES
       estimates total proved reserves were 133.6mn   Chief Operating Officer, Lenny Lilja to Chief
       boe, with a corresponding PV-10 value1 of   Financial Officer and Thomas Belsha to Chief   K-Solv Group acquires
       $1,677mn.                           Technical Officer – Business Development &
       EARTHSTONE ENERGY, July 20, 2021    Engineering.                         Energy Completion Services
                                           GRENADIER ENERGY III, July 21, 2021
                                                                                The K-Solv Group acquires Energy

       Week 29   22•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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