Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                        POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Cartel compromise: OPEC+

       members reach agreement

        GLOBAL           THE OPEC+ group this week reached an agree-
                         ment that will result in increased oil production
                         as five members saw their baseline output levels
                         raised after tense negotiations.
                           Under the agreement, the members will col-
                         lectively ease their production cuts by 400,000
                         barrels per day (bpd) each month from August
                         and push back the current April 2022 end date
                         until the end of that year. At this rate, it will take
                         nearly 15 months for OPEC+ to increase pro-
                         duction by the 5.8mn bpd it is still withholding
                         under the agreement reached in early 2020 as
                         they scrambled to balance the market.
                           Speaking to Russia 24, Russia’s energy min-
                         ister Alexander Novak said: “Today we made a
                         decision for the market to restore production to  week announcing more than $760mn in con-
                         a pre-crisis level.”                 tract awards to achieve this.
                           Meanwhile, from May 2022, the baseline pro-  Meanwhile, for Riyadh, the heightened ten-
                         duction levels of the group’s five largest produc-  sion is more based in reputation and control.
                         ers will rise by a combined 1.632mn bpd. The   Saudi Arabia’s baseline of 11mn bpd has little
                         group’s next meeting is scheduled for September  bearing in reality – the Kingdom has exceeded
                         1 with a thorough review of the deal planned for  this level only twice in history – in November
                         December.                            2018 and April 2020, when it hit 12.1mn bpd as
                           The news marks a significant compromise  it launched a price war with Moscow, sending
                         following a breakdown in talks two weeks ago  prices into freefall. In October 2018, it was run-
                         as Saudi Arabia and the UAE dug their heels in.  ning at 10.77mn bpd.
                         Riyadh had been pushing for the monthly pro-  However, Moscow and others have been
                         duction increases to be tied to a commitment to  pushing to step up output and Riyadh could not
                         extend the existing supply cut, while the Emir-  be seen to take a secondary position to Russia.
                         ates had sought an upward revision of its refer-  That said, the closer Saudi production comes to
                         ence point for cuts before it would agree to any  its OPEC+ quota, the less flexibility it can wield
                         extension.                           to keep others in line.
                           This week’s deal sees both parties get what   Meanwhile, state-owned Saudi Aramco has a
                         they wanted while apparently avoiding the  maximum sustainable capacity (MSC) of 12mn
                         potential banana skin of a wholesale push to lift   bpd, which it has been instructed to increase to
         At this rate, it   baseline production levels.       13mn bpd by the Ministry of Energy.
                           In May, the reference levels of the group’s two
                                                               The potential upside for Saudi Arabia is that
        will take nearly   top producers, Saudi and Russia, will increase  once Aramco completes the projects to raise
          15 months      by 500,000 bpd to 11.5mn bpd, with the UAE’s  MSC, it can produce at a higher level without
                         rising by 332,000 bpd to 3.5mn bpd as Iraq  being seen to flout the quotas. However, the
          for OPEC+      and Kuwait also receive uplifts of 150,000 bpd  company is still working on a plan to achieve
                         each, taking their baselines to 4.803mn bpd and  this increase as maintaining production at
          to increase    2.959mn bpd respectively.            mature assets and tapping the Jafurah basin for
                                                              gas take priority.
       production by the   Rhetoric                            Speaking to NewsBase, Ian Simm, Principal

        5.8mn bpd it is   For the UAE, the baseline production level is of  Advisor at consultancy IGM Energy said: “This
                         great relevance. Its current 3.168mn-bpd level is  deal lets both the Saudis and the Emiratis to
       still withholding.  based on October 2018 output, but Abu Dhabi  claim victory. From Saudi Arabia’s perspective
                         in particular has invested heavily in expanding  it was able to extend the deal while only allow-
                         capacity, which now stands at 4mn bpd.  ing baseline level alterations for key allies. Even
                           The country’s officials have complained about  then, the move will have little bearing on Iraq,
                         the shut in of a disproportionate level of output  which has routinely overproduced.”
                         – 35% – compared to other members – 25% on   Meanwhile, he added: “With Saudi unlikely to
                         average.                             utilise any of its additional 500,000-bpd wiggle
                           Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) has  room for the time being, allowing other mem-
                         embarked on a $122bn four-year programme  bers to add around 1.1mn bpd to the market
                         which is designed to help it raise output capac-  from May next year seems like a deal worth
                         ity to 5mn bpd by 2030, with the company this   making to maintain co-operation.”™

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