Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       US and Germany

       strike deal on Nord

       Stream 2 pipeline

        US-GERMANY       THE US and Germany reached a bilateral agree-
                         ment on Nord Stream 2 on July 21 that will allow
                         the pipeline to be completed without further US
                           Nord Stream 2 will pump 55bn cubic metres
                         per year of Russian gas to Germany when it
                         reaches full capacity. The pipeline is politically
                         controversial as Russia wants to use it to divert
                         as much gas as away from Ukraine as possible, to
                         reduce costs and starve Kyiv of billions of dollars
                         of annual transit revenues.
                           At a meeting between US President Joe Biden
                         and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the US
                         and Germany agreed to take action against Rus-
                         sia if it uses Nord Stream 2 to harm Ukraine or
                         other East European countries.
                           “The United States and Germany are united
                         in their determination to hold Russia to account
                         for its aggression and malign activities by impos-
                         ing costs via sanctions and other tools,” said the
                         joint statement.
                           “Should Russia attempt to use energy as
                         a weapon or commit further aggressive acts
                         against Ukraine, Germany will take action at  in Europe,” said the statement from Kuleva and
                         the national level and press for effective meas-  Rau.
                         ures at the European level, including sanctions,   “Currently, this crisis is significantly deep-
                         to limit Russian export capabilities to Europe in  ened by the resignation from attempts to stop the
                         the energy sector,” it said.         launch of the NS2 gas pipeline. This decision has
                           The agreement comes after talks between the  created political, military and energy threat for
                         two leaders on July 15, after which they stressed  Ukraine and Central Europe, while increasing
                         that they would work together to ensure that  Russia’s potential to destabilise the security sit-
          The US and     Ukraine would remain a transit route for Russian  uation in Europe, perpetuating divisions among
                         gas heading to Europe.
                                                              Nato and European Union member states.”
       Germany agreed      Germany wants to see Nord Stream 2 real-  They added that “Ukraine and Poland will
         to take action   ised, as it will enable the country to tap low-  work together with their allies and partners to
                         er-cost gas to support its economy and provide  oppose NS2 until solutions are developed to
        against Russia   valuable transit revenues.           address the security crisis created by NS2”.
                           This posed a dilemma for the new US presi-
                                                                In an attempt to ease the blow on Kyiv, the
        if it uses Nord   dent as he sought to rebuild ties with Germany  US finally issued the much-anticipated invita-
                         that were damaged during the Trump era. The  tion to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelen-
       Stream 2 to harm   US fears that Russia will use the pipeline as a tool  skiy to visit to the White House on August 30.
        Ukraine or other   to assert political pressure in Europe, although  “An invitation for “later this summer” had been
                         Moscow accuses Washington of simply looking  announced in June before Biden met Russian
        East European    out for the interests of its US exporters.  President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, but a date
                           Inevitably the agreement has been poorly  had not been set until Wednesday,” wrote BMB
          countries.     received in Ukraine, where Foreign Minister  Ukraine in a note on July 21.
                                                                For its part, Germany has agreed to provide
                         Dmytro Kuleba issued a joint statement with his
                         counterpart from Poland — Central Europe’s  Ukraine with $1bn to support its transition
                         chief Russia hawk — Zbigniew Rau condemn-  to cleaner energy, supplied by private sources
                         ing the move.                        backed with government guarantees in a Green
                           “The decision to build Nord Stream 2 made  Fund for Ukraine. This includes an initial invest-
                         in 2015 mere months after Russia’s invasion  ment of $175mn, as announced on July 21. The
                         and illegal annexation of Ukrainian territory,  US will support the initiative with technical
                         created security, credibility and political crisis  assistance and policy support.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   22•July•2021
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