Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Speculation emerges

       about oil sands sales

       A new report has suggested that billions of dollars’

       worth of oil sands assets could come up for sale as

       super-majors pivot to renewables

        ALBERTA          A  new report has suggested that up to  has been underway in the oil sands over the past
                         CAD13.4bn ($10.7bn) worth of oil sands  few years.
       WHAT:             assets could be put up for sale. According to the   A number of international oil companies
       Up to CAD13.4bn   report, ‘Climate policy creates a buyers’ mar-  (IOCs) – including large independents – have
       ($10.7bn) worth of oil   ket’, published by Veritas Investment Research,  sold their oil sands assets since the start of the
       sands assets could be put   sales would be driven by growing pressure on  industry downturn that began in 2014. The
       up for sale, according to   super-majors to cut greenhouse gas (GHG)  buyers have mostly been Canadian produc-
       a new report.     emissions and invest in renewable energy.  ers, who have steadily consolidated their oil
                           The Canadian oil sands continue to struggle  sands positions. Today, four Canadian giants
       WHY:              with their public image, despite efforts being  – Suncor Energy, Cenovus Energy, Canadian
       Super-majors are under   made by producers in the region to lower  Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL) and Imperial
       mounting pressure to   emissions – include recent net-zero emissions  Oil – along with smaller player MEG Energy
       reduce emissions, and   pledges by some leading players. Thus it would  account for around 90% of the country’s oil
       offloading oil sands   not be surprising if certain super-majors that  sands production.
       assets could be one   currently retain assets in the oil sands came to   Major transactions include ConocoPhil-
       option for doing that.  view exiting the region as a relatively appealing  lips’ $13.3bn sale to Cenovus in 2017, which
                         option for pivoting more to renewables and  included a 50% interest in the Foster Creek
       WHAT NEXT:        boosting their public image.         Christina Lake oil sands partnership, as well as
       Canada’s leading    “Given the pressure to both cut emissions  certain conventional gas assets. Also in 2017,
       domestic oil sands   and invest in renewable energy, we expect the  Marathon Oil sold its Canadian subsidiary to
       players would be the   super-majors to shed mostly upstream oil and  Royal Dutch Shell and CNRL for $2.5bn. And
       most likely buyers.  gas assets to fund investments into renewables,”  in 2019 Devon Energy sold its oil sands assets,
                         a Veritas analyst, Jeffrey Craig, wrote in the  also to CNRL, for $2.8bn.
                         report.                               Craig said that the four giants in particular,
                                                              which he described as Canada’s “Final Four”,
                         Continuing trend                     would be the most likely buyers of any further
                         If this were to play out as Craig has predicted,  oil sands assets that may now be put up for sale.
                         it would mark the continuation of a trend that   “A poor reputation for oilsands internationally

                                                                                                  The oil sands have
                                                                                                  become increasingly
                                                                                                  concentrated in the
                                                                                                  hands of a few major
                                                                                                  Canadian producers in
                                                                                                  recent years.

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