Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         suggests the only logical buyers would be Can-  nonetheless remains one of the more polluting
                         ada’s Final Four operators,” he said, also noting  segments of the global oil industry. At the start
                         that he expected oil sands assets to be the first to  of this year, consultancy Rystad Energy said that
                         come to market as super-majors seek to reshape  the average carbon dioxide (CO2) intensity for
                         their portfolios.                    the oil sands was 73 kg per barrel of oil equiv-
                           Speaking to Canada’s Financial Post, Craig  alent, compared with 12 kg per boe for shale
                         said the CAD13.4bn price tag was a conserva-  output.
                         tive estimate.
                           “They may be worth much more than what  What next?
                         we put in, but could be sold for much less,” he  It would thus not be surprising if oil sands sales
                         said.                                are announced over the coming months. Already
                           The newspaper noted the example of Devon’s  Chevron’s CEO, Mike Wirth, said in June that his
                         sale to CNRL, with the assets changing hands  company would consider selling its 20% stake in
                         for considerably less than analyst estimates of  the Athabasca Oil Sands Project, which it does
                         what they were worth. Some said they should  not consider to be a strategic asset.
                         have been sold for CAD5-6bn ($4-5bn), but   “We’re not in the kind of fire-sale mentality,”
                         some estimates were as high as CAD9bn ($7bn).  Wirth said at the time. “But if we got what we
                                                              think is fair value for an asset like that, we’ve
                         Under pressure                       been willing to transact on things that are of
                         The pressure on super-majors to speed up their  that scale and kind of relative importance in the
                         energy transition strategies has become more  portfolio.”
                         apparent this year. In May, Chevron sharehold-  Shell also owns a stake in the Athabasca pro-  Chevron’s CEO,
                         ers voted in favour of a proposal to cut Scope 3  ject, which is operated by CNRL with a 70%
                         GHG emissions – those generated by the use of  interest. There is speculation that the Anglo-  Mike Wirth, said
                         the company’s products.              Dutch firm could also consider selling its 10%   in June that his
                           Meanwhile, Royal Dutch Shell was ordered  stake.
                         by a Dutch court to reduce its emissions more   ExxonMobil, meanwhile, has a 29% stake in   company would
                         rapidly than the super-major had planned, by  the Kearl oil sands mine, which is operated by
                         45% compared with 2019 levels by 2030. While  its subsidiary, Imperial. Offloading that stake to  consider selling
                         Shell confirmed this week that it would appeal  Imperial has also been identified as a possibility
                         against the ruling, as it had been expected to do,  if the super-major opts to reshape its portfolio in   its 20% stake in
                         it has nonetheless said that it will accelerate its  line with the energy transition.  the Athabasca Oil
                         shift towards net-zero emissions.     It is also possible that other buyers apart from
                           And an activist hedge fund, Engine No. 1,  the Canadian oil sands leaders could emerge, or   Sands Project.
                         succeeded in having three of its nominees  that the super-majors could opt to hang on to
                         elected to the board of ExxonMobil, where they  their existing assets, which benefit from having
                         will seek to take the super-major in a direction  a long lifespan. However, pressure to decarbon-
                         characterised by a low-carbon focus.  ise is only likely to rise, and under the current
                           Given these developments, selling assets that  circumstances it is easy to see why selling oil
                         have a higher carbon intensity could prove to be  sands assets could be an attractive option for
                         an attractive strategy for the super-majors. And  IOCs that have a variety of areas they can focus
                         while oil sands producers have made strides in  on. If sales are announced, they will come as no
                         lowering the carbon intensity of their output, it  great surprise.™

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