Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Greenland ends oil and gas search

        GREENLAND        GREENLAND has declared it will no longer  dream of independence from Denmark, by
                         hunt for oil and gas, marking a major policy  cutting the annual subsidiary of DKK3.4bn
                         turnaround for the self-governing territory of  ($540mn) it receives.
                         Denmark.                               Greenland has been looking for oil and gas
                           The left-leaning government in Green-  for 50 years, with initial efforts encouraged
                         land described the decision as a “natural step,”  by soaring oil prices in the 1970s as a result of
                         because it “takes the climate seriously.” But  OPEC supply cuts. The government enlisted
                         it also noted that unfeasible costs were also a  Cairn Energy to start the search in 2009, and the
                         factor.                              company struck gas off Greenland’s west coast in
                           The US Geological Survey (USGS) estimates  2010. But Cairn spent over $1bn on dry wells in   This marks a
                         that there could be 17.5bn undiscovered bar-  the search for oil before giving up.
                         rels of oil and 4.2 trillion cubic metres of gas,   BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Eni, Equinor   major U-turn
                         although no commercial discoveries have been  and Royal Dutch Shell also secured licences, but
                         made yet. But the government on July 15 said it  later left the country without making any discov-  in Greenland’s
                         believed “the price of oil extraction is too high.  eries. At present, there are four active hydrocar-
                         This is based upon economic calculations, but  bon licences in the country, one of which is held   policy towards
                         considerations of the impact on climate and  by Panoceanic Energy and state-owned Nunaoil,   hydrocarbons.
                         the environment also play a central role in this  and three more controlled by Greenland Gas &
                         decision.”                           Oil.
                           The issue of new licences for oil and gas   Denmark itself ended offshore oil and gas
                         exploration will end in Greenland, Minister for  licensing in December last year, midway through
                         Natural Resources Naaja Nathanielsen com-  a licensing round that was cancelled. Denmark,
                         mented, drawing attention to the need to pro-  which flows around 100,000 barrels per day
                         tect the country’s nature, fisheries and tourism.  (bpd) of oil, is the biggest oil and gas producer to
                         Greenland would be “better off focusing on sus-  take such a step, which it did after similar moves
                         tainable development, such as the potential for  by France, Ireland and Spain.
                         renewable energy.”                     West Europe’s largest producers Norway and
                           This marks a major U-turn in Greenland’s  the UK has resisted such calls. Norway even
                         policy towards hydrocarbons. Just a year and a  expects to continue issuing oil and gas licensing
                         half ago, the government adopted a new oil and  for decades to come, while the UK has merely
                         gas strategy aimed at promoting more explora-  increased the environmental scrutiny involved
                         tion, to help Greenlanders realise their long-held  in the process.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 29   22•July•2021
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