Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 29 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Halliburton beats expectations

       with second-quarter results

        US               OILFIELD services firm Halliburton reported  by 4% to $2.1bn, which was attributed primarily
                         this week that it had achieved net income of  to higher well construction activity, completion
                         $227mn, or $0.26 per share, in the second quar-  tools sales and well intervention services across
                         ter of 2021, beating analyst expectations.  all regions. But lower software sales across all
                           This marked an increase from net income of  regions and decreased stimulation activity in
                         $170mn, or $0.19 per share, in the first quarter  Latin America served to partially offset these
                         of the year. It was also a significant improvement  gains.
                         on Halliburton’s net loss of $1.7bn in the second   Halliburton’s chairman, president and CEO,
                         quarter of 2021, at the height of the first wave of  Jeff Miller, sounded an optimistic note on the
                         the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  company’s earnings call when discussing the
       Halliburton is the   The company, which is the second-largest  longer-term outlook.
       leading provider of   oilfield services provider globally after Schlum-  “We believe that we are in the early innings
       hydraulic fracturing   berger and the leader in the provision of hydrau-  of a multiyear upcycle,” Miller said. “For the first
       services.         lic fracturing services, said both its North  time in seven years, we anticipate simultaneous
                         American and international businesses had  growth in international and North America mar-
                         continued to grow during the second quarter. Its  kets, and this view guides our business objectives
                         revenue increased by 7% sequentially compared  and expected outcomes.”
                         with the first quarter of the year to $3.7bn.  Halliburton was not the only oilfield services
                           Halliburton’s North American revenue  giant to report an improved quarterly perfor-
                         rose by 12% sequentially to $1.6bn. The com-  mance this week. Baker Hughes announced
                         pany attributed this primarily to higher pres-  on July 21 that its second-quarter revenue, at
                         sure pumping services, drilling-related work  $5.1bn, was up 8% sequentially and 9% year on
                         and wireline activity onshore, as well as higher  year. The company posted a second-quarter net
                         well construction activity in the Gulf of Mex-  loss of $68mn, but this was an improvement on
                         ico. It noted, however, that reduced software  both the $195mn loss a year ago and the $452mn
                         sales across the region had partially offset these  loss in the first quarter of this year.
                         increases.                             Schlumberger is due to announce its quar-
                           Internationally, Halliburton’s revenue rose  terly results on July 23.™

       New data show strength of US crude exports

        US               DATA from the US Energy Information Admin-  continues to hang over the market, new lock-
                         istration (EIA) and the Port of Corpus Christi  downs tend to occur on a more piecemeal basis,
                         illustrate the resilience of the country’s crude oil  making it easier to offset their impact.
                         exports in the face of the ongoing coronavirus   Indeed, the impact of rising COVID-19 cases
                         (COVID-19) pandemic.                 and the OPEC+ agreement to ease production
                           The US exported record levels of crude last  cuts was offset this week as market participants
                         year, despite the volatility in global markets  tried to take advantage of crude prices hitting a
                         and the dip in demand caused by the first  two-month low. West Texas Intermediate (WTI)
                         wave of the virus, which resulted in US oil  prices fell to around $66.45 per barrel on July 19,
                         prices briefly turning negative in April 2020.  but had rebounded to above $71 per barrel by the
                         Now, the EIA’s Weekly Petroleum Status  end of the week.
                         Report shows that the most recent four-week   Meanwhile, Texas’ Port of Corpus Christi – a
                         rolling average of US crude exports reached  major oil and LNG export hub on the US Gulf
                         3.21mn barrels per day (bpd). While this is  Coast – achieved a new record second quarter
                         slightly lower than the 3.51mn bpd reported  and a record first half of the year, moving nearly
                         the previous week, it still marks an 16.5%  80.5mn tons (73.0mn tonnes) of cargo in the
                         increase on the 2.75mn bpd recorded in the  first six months of 2021. The port’s first-half total
                         four weeks up to July 17, 2020.      tonnage marked a 4.7% increase year on year,
                           The recent strength of crude exports can be  including a 72% y/y rise in LNG exports and a
                         attributed in part to higher oil prices, which have  3.6% y/y increase in crude exports.
                         remained strong as various countries have cau-  The port’s oil exports averaged 1.58mn bpd
                         tiously re-opened following the early waves of  over the period, slightly above the 2020 full-year
                         the pandemic. While a threat of further volatility  run rate.™

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