Page 14 - DMEA Week 45 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                       REFINING & FUELS                                            DMEA

                                                           Rendering of future Tanzania LNG facilities (Image: Equinor)
                         Makamba went on to say that Tanzania was   will be processed at an LNG plant slated for
                         working with Shell and Equinor to reduce the   construction near Lindi in southern Tanzania.
                         carbon emissions intensity of the LNG project,   This plant will eventually have up to three pro-
                         which calls for gas to be extracted from three   duction trains, each capable of turning out up to
                         deepwater offshore blocks and processed at an   5mn tonnes per year (tpy).
                         onshore facility. The partners will make use of   The government of Tanzania began discuss-
                         new technologies that minimise the amount of   ing this massive project, which is expected to
                         greenhouse gas (GHG) released during produc-  carry a price tag of about $30bn, with Shell and
                         tion, he declared.                   Equinor more than eight years ago. These talks
                           “The project will be designed in such a way   stalled, though, partly because of commercial
                         that it will be the cleanest gas project ever,”   disputes between the firms and the govern-
                         Makamba remarked. “The gas chemistry itself,   ment and partly because Tanzanian President
                         it’s one of the [types of] gas with the lowest CO2   Samia Suluhu Hassan’s predecessor John Magu-
                         content in the world.”               fuli made the East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline
                           The Tanzania LNG project envisions the   (EACOP) project a higher priority.
                         development of offshore gas fields – Block   Hassan began working to reinvigorate talks
                         2, assigned to Equinor, and Blocks 1 and 4,   on Tanzania LNG shortly after she took office
                         assigned to Shell. These three deepwater off-  in March 2021. She has been successful, and her
                         shore sites hold about 35 trillion cubic feet   administration has already signed a preliminary
                         (991bn cubic metres) of gas, and their output   HGA for the project. ™

       Kenya signs deal with Fortescue Future

       Industries for green fertiliser supply

             AFRICA      KENYA has signed a deal with Australian   agreement, FFI and Kenya are expected to work
                         renewable energy firm Fortescue Future Indus-  together to build a 300-MW green ammonia
                         tries (FFI) for green fertilizer supply in a major   and green fertiliser facility by 2025.
                         effort to replace imported polluting fertilisers in   Signed on the sidelines of the ongoing UN
                         the country.                         Climate Change Conference (COP27), the
                           FFI is a global green energy company devel-  deal was witnessed by Kenya’s President Wil-
                         oping technology solutions for hard-to-de-  liam Ruto and Fortescue executive chairman,
                         carbonise industries while building a global   the Australian billionaire and mining magnate
                         portfolio of renewable energy, green hydrogen   Andrew Forrest.
                         and green ammonia projects. It previously part-  “For Kenya, this will create fossil fuel-free
                         nered with the Democratic Republic of Congo   fertiliser, a strong local industry, skilled job cre-
                         (DRC) to create a major downstream green   ation, and lessen Kenya’s exposure to imports
                         hydrogen and green ammonia industry.  from foreign nations,’’ Ruto said.“This will pro-
                           The FFI partnership with Kenya will help   vide affordable green fertiliser to the domestic
                         the Horn of Africa country eliminate the use   market and address food security, while also
                         of fossil fuels from its fertiliser supply chain,   negating the need for importing fertiliser.’’
                         the company said in a statement on November   The parties intend to produce up to 1.7mn
                         8, and help to address food security. Under the   tonnes of green hydrogen per year for export. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 45   10•November•2022
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